Rural practical talent leader 丨 Ding Minggui: adhere to the "sweet" life

Author:China Fujian Time:2022.06.18


Ding Minggui, born in 1974, is currently the legal person in the Jiulong Jiulong Beekeeping Professional Cooperative and Chairman of the Jian'er Beekeeping Association. In 2020, he was awarded the title of "Poverty Alleviation Model" by the Nanping Bee Industry Association. The title of Practical Talent Leader.

Ding Minggui (first from right) taught beekeeping technology to Li Mingquan, who was a poor household

Ding Minggui, 48, is a native of Changxi Village, Dongfeng Township, Jian'er City, Fujian Province. Under the influence and environment of the elders, he has been in contact with beekeeping since 1996. In order to allow bees to pick up high -quality honey and increase honey production, Ding Minggui continuously changes the beekeeping location according to the condition of the honey source, and it is common to sleep alone. Nowadays, Ding Minggui has established his own beekeeping farm, cooperatives, and popular science bases. The production of mountain flowers produced in the province is exported to lead the people in their hometown to get rid of poverty and become rich.

"Foreign Man" becomes "expert in the expert"

"Beekeeping must first have patience to eat hard. Secondly, it is necessary to master beekeeping technology. The annual output depends on beekeeping technology and the management of bee colonies." Essentials.

Ding Minggui beekeeping base located in Changxi Village has dense ecological forests in the surrounding area. The mountain spring is clear and sweet, and the plant variety is rich. The flowers are blooming throughout the year. In the past 20 years of beekeeping, Ding Minggui knew that only by relying on technology can we get rich. On the one hand, he purchased books about beekeeping seriously, and on the other hand, he humbly consulted people with beekeeping experience. In the process of learning while learning, Ding Minggui continued to explore and summarize his experience, from the beekeeping "foreigner" to "experts at home." The bees raised are from the initial 10 boxes of bee to more than 2,300 boxes (the joint development of beekeeping cooperatives), with an annual income of more than 4 million yuan.

The technology has improved and the output is coming. Ding Minggui admits: "The current results are in exchange for countless failures and learning." At the beginning, he also sat on the green leather train to Fuzhou with confidence. School study was "persuaded to return." Due to the do not understand technology and management, the bee farm did not produce much honey for two years. The running and death of several boxes of bee almost "did not cover the whole army." The worst time, dozens of bees rushed up, leaving him dozens of stitches, and his eyes were swollen and unable to open. "With the extension of the beekeeping time and the accumulation of experience, there seems to be antibodies on the body. After being stinged, there is just a little trace, but it will never be swollen." Ding Minggui said with a smile. At that time The caps are all shirtless, and their legs are tightly shuttled in the bee colony.

Flowers are brewed into food, and the warehouse is fulfilled. Since ancient times, bees have been a symbol of hard work. As a beekeeper, he moved with the "bee". It is also hard to do because of "bee". "Spring is the richest season of honey source. Doing the spring complexity is the key to ensuring the benefits of the year." Now when it comes to bee breeding, Ding Minggui immediately showed maturity and old. He opened the beehive, and the dense earthen bee appeared in front of him. "The soil bee has a sensitive sense of smell, early out of the nest, late returns to the nest, long time to collect for a long time, and is good at using sporadic honey sources, which is very suitable for fixed -point farming in mountainous areas." Ding Minggui said that the honey that they produced are natural original ecology, and nutrition is more. Rich, coupled with low yield, so the price of honey is relatively high. "My honey is not mixed with any impurities, what should it look like, and cannot violate my conscience for huge profits." The production is improved and the quality is first. The honey produced by Ding Minggui's bee farm was checked as a qualified product and reached the quality standard of exported honey.

Holes the "getting rich"

In 2017, on the basis of beekeeping farms, Ding Minggui established a professional cooperative of Ding's Kowloon Beekeeping Planting Society in Jian'er City, adheres to the modern agricultural industrialization business model with production, supply, sales, and science. The road, combined with rural revitalization, is committed to the development of the bee cultural tourism industry, the construction of bee villages, and the "mountain flower honey" into a well -known brand in the country. At present, there are 53 members of the cooperatives, with a total of more than 2,100 boxes of Chinese bees and more than 100 boxes of Italian bee. They have an annual output of more than 40,000 pounds and an annual profit of 730,200 yuan.

"Because I have walked around, I have no reservations and teach people who come to learn beekeeping now." Ding Minggui said that beekeeping does not fight for agriculture and fight for fertilizer, and the elderly and women are It can be controlled, which is a very good industry for farmers in the mountains. In order to send beekeeping technology to millions of households, Ding Minggui often organizes beekeeping to go to Hoe -keeping households such as Chuanshi Township, Longcun Township, and Xiaosong Town, Jian'er City to guide them how to do a good job of bee breeding and bee disease prevention. Work, organize them to visit and learn about bee breeding management, bee prevention technology and marketing in the year and four seasons. It is worth mentioning that he also has more channels to strive for project training funds. For three consecutive years, he invited experts and professors of Fujian University of Agriculture and Forestry University to hold beekeeping technical training courses to teach bee farming to help bee farmers increase honey production and Quality, broaden the road of sales.

Since the president of the Jian'er Beekeeping Association in 2018, Ding Minggui has developed 261 beekeeper households, adding 6965 boxes of bee, and led the organization to launch a number of beekeeping professional cooperatives and beekeeper family farms to solve more than 613 employment. Greatly promoted the development of the beekeeping industry in Jian'ou. Ding Minggui, who is not satisfied with the status quo, invested 500,000 yuan to build two office rooms, bee equipment warehouses, bee product rooms, bee products sterilization and irrigation room, and simple test room of honey, etc. Building the food safety SC production line passed the food safety SC certification of the Nanping Market Supervision and Administration Bureau; the "Ding's Kowloon" honey brand trademark also came out of Jianqi, and the quality of honey was recognized by the market. After years of persistence, Ding Minggui has accumulated rich experience, and the cooperative has also won the honorary titles of Nanping City -level Demonstration Agency, Nanping Bee Breeding Standardized Demonstration Bee, Agricultural Science and Technology Demonstration Base, and Government Brand. In order to expand the scale of beekeeping and extend the industrial chain, the beekeeping science science and display bases are undergoing the establishment of beekeeping. According to reports, the cooperatives have also established long -term stable science and enterprise cooperative relations with Fujian Agricultural and Forestry University Institute of Agriculture and Forestry University, and developed the excellent varieties of double -colored Chinese bees. This variety has high honey and strong disease resistance, and is currently promoting in large areas.

Lead the folks to live a "sweet" day

"Beekeeping technology is no longer a problem. The difficulty is how to persuade the villagers to grow up." Ding Minggui, who succeeded in beekeeping and tasted the sweetness, compared his actual investment in the process of beekeeping, and actively encouraged the surrounding folks. Develop beekeeping industry. Under his persuasion and influence, more than 20 villagers around Dongfeng Town (of which 5 households have built files from poor households) have also joined the beekeeping industry. He acts as a beekeeping technical instructor, actively organizes training, and provides beekeeping households with preparation, mid -yield, and postpartum tracking services. Over time, what difficulties for everyone to raise beekeepers love to help him solve it. "We adopt the 'cooperative+base+poor households' model to uniformly standardize production, unified prices, and packaging." Ding Minggui said that the purpose of this is to increase breeding technology, increase production, and increase brand awareness.

Driven by Ding Minggui's guidance, some bee farmers developed from 20 boxes to 80 boxes from the beginning, with honey over 1,600 pounds; the income of each box bee also increased from the initial 30 to 40 yuan to more than 1,000 yuan. Hats of poor households have become better and better. According to statistics from the Agricultural and Rural Bureau of Jian'ou City, from 2017 to 2020, Ding Minggui precisely helped 233 poor households in the establishment of a card, and donated 18 boxes of bees from his own bee farm to farmers with potential for development. "It can drive the father and fellow of my hometown to become rich together, which makes me feel very fulfilled," he said.

For more than 20 years of persistence, for Ding Minggui, honey raising honey has become part of his life, like sunlight air and water, and cannot be lost. If you don't open the beehive for a day to see these hard -working little guys, he feels uncomfortable without trying his own honey. When it comes to how much money can I make, Ding Minggui just said, do you know? Thousands of bees in my mountain pass the depths of the mountains and send pollinations, and each year to thousands of kilometers. The ecological benefits they play are far greater than the economic benefits of all the beekeepers. This is also the old ancestor passed to us Guarding the secret of the forest. "I can't live without bees in my life. This is a complex that is difficult to give up." Ding Minggui said that as long as he allowed his body, he would always adhere to the breed of bees.

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