"Thorns": Women who understand all marry happiness

Author:Insight Time:2022.08.20

Legend has it that there is a bird named a thorns, and he only sings once in his life.

From the beginning of leaving the nest, it was looking for thorns trees. After finding it, it used thorns to penetrate the body.

There are divergent opinions on its meaning. Some people say that it symbolizes the fanaticism of beautiful things, and some people say that it interprets idealism of unremitting pursuit.

However, in Australian writer Kurin McCall's masterpiece "Thorns Bird", it turned into a complex and beautiful love and hate entanglement.

This novel has been known as the Australian version of "Piao" since its publication in 1977.

The book is based on the emotional story of the three generations of the Clear family's grandparents and grandchildren, and explores the true meaning of marriage and love.

Grandma Fiona had been obsessed with a woman with a lower four places, and lived in pain and regrets all her life.

Her mother Meiji once loved the hypocrites who betrayed love, and most of her life ended only one empty.

They are like the thorns that endure the painful pain, and they do not hesitate to do everything in exchange for that song.

Her daughter Zhu Siting was independent and strong, never delaying love, loyalty to herself, and living as a happy woman.

Love, soul, and power are limited, and should not be wasted on the wrong person.

Sacrifice for love like a sacrifice, obsessed with martyrdom, and sooner or later he will push yourself into the fire pit.


The dedication of low self -esteem will always call people who don't wake up or love you. Grandma Fiona is the only daughter of a noble family. She has always been in love since she was a child.

When she grew up, her father arranged for her to travel around, showed up in the community, and carefully selected a good husband who was the right house for her.

By coincidence, she met a married politician, and the grace and talent of the other party moved her heart.

Although the man was just playing in the field, she did not intend to take responsibility for her, but she loved the other person to be crazy.

She even had a humble idea: I couldn't get this man at least to get his child.

As a result, she was risky to lose her son Frank.

But the birth of her son not only pushed the man further and further, but also made her family be ashamed.

Her parents rebuked her unmarried child to defile the door style, and helplessly married her to the poor milk worker Padi.

Padi is loyal and honest, and does not mind her past, always to protect her clumsy and sincerely.

Fiona was always unhappy and immersed in the thoughts of the negative Han day after day.

After giving birth to 8 children for Padi, Fiona still has indifferent attitudes towards him and his children.

Only when she faced her son Frank, that is, the man left by the man would she show joy and tenderness.

The man later became famous and often appeared in newspapers and news. She was worried about destroying his image and dare not mention his name to anyone.

In order to prove that the other party had loved herself, she couldn't wait to tie Frank to her life.

However, Frank, who knows his life, has always had a poor relationship with Padi, and is incompatible with his younger and sisters.

The deformed family relationship and the control of his mother made him suppressed lonely, irritable, and was extremely impulsive when it happened.

Later, he lost his hands on the boxing field, and he sat for 30 years.

Fiona has not yet slowed from his son's imprisonment, and Padi died again in a mountain fire.

The successful loss made Fiona suddenly realize that the love that she was attached to guarding was just a dream of nothingness.

For a person who is not worth it, she gave up her bottom line and ignored the feelings of relatives, but in exchange for the ending of the old age in loneliness and regret.

as the saying goes:

You can love someone to the dust, but no one will love you in the dust.

Love a person with low self -esteem, and in principle overdraw herself, let Fiona fall from the clouds from the cloud.

Many people do this in their feelings.

At the expense of all, go to soup and dance, and also express your love and loyalty.

However, the more you lower your posture at both ends of the balance of love, but the more the other person will look at your dedication, the more you pay.

How can a person who does not know how to respect himself and cherish himself, can he get the cherished and care of others?

After all, love is a game. Once you lose your self, no matter how much sincere and enthusiasm will become cheap.


If you can't let go, you can't keep it worth it. Fiona's daughter Meiji inherited her beautiful appearance and continued her love tragedy.

When Meiji was 10 years old, he followed his family to a farm for a aunt Mary's name.

There, Meiji met Lalf, a young priest who had a close relationship with Mary.

Ralph is handsome and chic, gentle and elegant. She cares about Meiji like a big brother. She will send her to school, teach her riding, and play with her.

However, as Meiji grew from a young girl to a handsome girl, the friendship between the two changed.

Ralph unknowingly fell in love with Meiji, and Meiji also changed from his own dependence on him to a deep obsession.

But the obstacles spanning this relationship, in addition to Ralph's priest's identity, but also the jealousy of Aunt Mary.

Mary is old and is the richest widow in the local area. She confessed to Ralph and was rejected.

After learning that Ralph was pouring Meiji, she gave Ralph a problem with anger:

After her death, either inherited her family wealth and promoted the bishop of the Red; or gave up wealth and future and be an ordinary person who could love Meiji.

The greedy power Lalph chose the former between fame and love, and left Meiji after inheriting the property. Meiji was sad, and married Luke, who was married to himself.

But Luke did not love her, but just greedy her rich dowry. After marriage, she didn't care about her and lived in two places for a long time.

Until she gave birth to her daughter Zhu Siting, Luke still thought about saving money and setting up the industry, and never came back to visit them.

Luke's indifference caused her to disappoint her marriage. She was unwilling to obey and determined to leave each other.

At this time, Ralph, who had become the bishop, appeared again in Meiji's life again.

Knowing that Lalf was a hypocritical gentleman who betrayed love for power, Meiji couldn't let go of his obsession and re -burned with his old love.

She didn't intend to entangle with Ralph, she just wanted to have his child, and to keep love in another way.

Later, she gave birth to her son Dai En as expected, and walked on the road where her mother walked unknowingly.

But she did not remarry, but returned to her mother's house with her children, so that Dai En grew up in the love of her loved ones.

Who knows, when Daen was 26 years old, he died unfortunately for saving people.

Meiji was hit hard, distracted, and couldn't get out of the shadow of the bereavement for a long time.

Compared to Fiona's humble and forbearing, Mei Ji dares to love and hate, and never let his fate.

But she couldn't cut off her desire for Ralph, and eventually had to bear greater pain.

A writer said:

Many times face loss, indulging emotions, dedication to causality is an instinctual choice. But the ultimate cause and effect can only be. I love the wrong person, so I took a lifetime.

When encountering inappropriate feelings and those who are not worth it, torture with each other, it is better to say goodbye.

Taking out in time and retreating, you won't lose all the time; insisting on the break, it is better than the rest of his life.

There are too many things that are more important than love in this world.

Let go of the other party and let yourself be able to have more happiness.


Learn to be self -reliant to marry happiness. Meiji's daughter, Zhu Siting, is very different from her mother and grandmother.

Her nose collapsed, her face was full of freckles, her bones were as thin as firewood, and her appearance could not be good -looking.

But she did not feel inferiority for this, but instead she had a maverick since she was a child, daring to express her thoughts.

During her childhood, when Bishop Ralph came to visit her mother, others were respectful to the big man, but she always dismissed it.

At the age of 17, her mother found that she was quite talented in painting, and suggested that she be a painter, but she insisted on being an actor.

She looked thoroughly than her mother, and pointed out: "I don't want to starve to death in the attic. After death, I am famous for my best.

After entering the theater, in order to control complex works and figure out the character's mood, she is willing to experience all the unfamiliar things in person.

Brother Dai En said puzzled, she asked, "If I don't know anything, how can I look forward to becoming a good actor?"

It is not easy to become famous. She moved from Sydney to London and has always turned around in a small character, but never thought of giving up her career.

Her mother asked her if she was thinking about marriage, and she contemplated: "Do a man who is not even half of me, but he thinks he doesn't look down? I don't do it."

Zhu Siting refused to let go of her love, and she would not be obsessed with obsession. She always put her love first.

When a woman's independent consciousness awakens, no longer die for a man, and loves love as faith, it is easier to get happiness.

Finally, Zhu Si Ting took over his favorite role and became famous in a tour, becoming an outstanding actress.

At the same time, her self -confidence, independence, and opinions have deeply attracted the wealthy merchants who respect women from the heart.

Because she was afraid of getting married, she would delay her career, and Rena was willing to wait for her for seven years, and she didn't speak up until she became famous.

After marriage, she did not become a housewife around the stove, but continued to bloom on the stage.

From beginning to end, she did not compromise with anyone, but eventually gained good love and bright life.

Think of a paragraph that Zhou Guoping said:

In the world, the first important thing is to be a person, knowing self -esteem, so that you have a frank and fulfilling soul, which is enough to bear the blow of fate, and it is also worthy of the gift of fate.

After learning self -love, you are eligible to harvest love and respect; you have self -reliance, and you have the confidence to have the life you want.

Women who are independent and stand upright, will never be willing to become the accessories of others.

They dare to express themselves and build the future with their own hands. They can live brilliant without borrowing their light.


The book "Thorns Bird" uses the love story of the three generations to interpret the journey of women's awakening.

When a person is no longer humble and does not want to climb, treats love and love as icing on the icing on the cake, and will achieve self -proclaims as a leading event.

Writer Su Hei believes that a truly happy woman must have the following conditions:

"Emotional stability, independent thinking ability, full spiritual world, economic independence does not rely on others, consciousness and properly manage your desires."

The happiness of a woman has always come from the inside out and strives to come from the inside.

Don't be humble in hopeless love, continue to sink in the wrong choice, and be the protagonist on your own stage of life.

Like a praise, when you turn yourself into a better person, the happiness you want will come from you.Author: insight · Xu Mu Mu

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