Panjiang: Tucheng Mine Carrypted a "Safety Mining Area" hidden danger investigation activity

Author:Guiguang Magazine Time:2022.06.18

Since the launch of the "Safety Production Month" activity, Tusheng Mining, Panjiang Essence Coal Co., Ltd. is not small, and conducts a hidden danger investigation activity of "creating safety mining areas".Measures, enhance the awareness of independent security of employees, consolidate the foundation of security, and prevent accidents.

The staff walked into the home of the temporary bungalow houses to promote the safety of the rainy season. In addition to calling the staff in time when the flood disasters occurred, they also had to do corresponding safety protection.

The relevant departments of the mine pulled out a prominent flag in the area where there was hidden dangers in the slopes, reminding pedestrians to pay attention to safety; setting up a police sign in the prone to landslide in the mining area, reminding pedestrians that they could not approach.(Newspaper correspondent Chen Shunmei)

Editor on duty / Zimeng

Duty head teacher / Wang Xiaochuan

Editor -in -chief on duty / Liu Jiafei

Editor -in -chief on duty / Yang Xiaotian

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