Tangshan: Don't miss one person and one case

Author:Global Times Time:2022.06.18

Tangshan: Make sure you do not miss one person and one person, in order to win quickly and investigate severe punishment

On the evening of June 17, Wu Weidong, Secretary of the Tangshan Municipal Party Committee and the General Commander of the Municipal Epidemic Prevention and Control Work Department, presided over the meeting of the city's epidemic prevention and control work session and key work dispatch meeting, analyzed and judged the current situation, and arranged the next step in deployment.

Tian Guoliang, the head of the mayor and the general headquarters of the municipal epidemic prevention and control work, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. Yang Peisu and other city leaders attended.

The meeting emphasized that the spirit of the important instructions of General Secretary Jinping's important instructions must be studied in depth and understanding, in accordance with the requirements of the Party Central Committee and the Provincial Party Committee, and the Provincial Government's deployment requirements, they are emancipating their minds and striving for progress. It is also impossible to get rid of the state of fighting, vigorously carry forward the work style of "do it right away, do the real work", efficiently coordinate the prevention and control of the epidemic and economic and social development, and welcome the 20th victory of the party with excellent achievements.

It is necessary to do a good job of preventing and controlling the normalized epidemic, implement measures to prevent control and control measures, strengthen remote service guidance and "first entrance" to the entire process of closed -loop services to the destination, and realize the "first entrance" rapid and efficient passage. By good epidemic prevention and fast circulation. Carefully do a good job of social service management, maintain the order of preventing epidemic prevention in public places, resolutely prevent the hidden spread of epidemic conditions, and firmly adhere to the bottom line of the scale of the scale of the epidemic.

It is necessary to do a good job of visiting the Baolian assistance work, in accordance with the work mechanism of the "head -to -head", truly implement the assistance policies of various types of beneficiary enterprises at all levels, make every effort to stabilize the market entities, and strive to solve the problem of "urgency and sorrow" of the masses.

It is necessary to do a good job of social security governance work, promote the embedding of police forces into grids, strengthen the special combination, focus on key time periods and key points, and to deploy police forces in accurate scientific scientific scientific and scientific. Disposal in place. Adhering to the normalization of the headquarters all -weather operation, the city and county rural level 4 linkages, and the clues of illegal crimes are reported immediately to ensure that they do not miss one person and one case, in order to quickly win, investigate severe punishment, and resolutely safeguard the safety and good public of the people's lives and property. order.

It is necessary to do a good job of focusing on the production of "Sanxia", strictly implement the special work plan, further strengthen service guarantee, and go all out to achieve the prevention and control of the epidemic, fast granules, and early sowing in autumn. Essence

At the meeting, the city leader Hao Zhijun arranged for the urban renewal work; the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervisory Committee broadcast a unannounced visitor film and reported the relevant situation; Fengnan District reported the relevant work.

The meeting was held in the form of video conferences. The main responsible comrades of the municipal units attended the meeting at the main venue. All counties (cities, districts) and municipalities have set up branch venues.

On the evening of June 17, Wu Weidong, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, and Yang Peisu, deputy secretary of the municipal party committee, adopted the "Four Two or two Strains" to go to the Dongyao Police Station of the Lubei Branch of the Municipal Public Security Bureau.

Source: Tangshan Labor Daily

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