Authoritative release | Jining: Fully build a rural revitalization Qilu model leading area

Author:Jining News Network Time:2022.08.21

Jining News Network (Reporter Qin Boyu) Recently, the Jining Municipal Government News Office held the fifth press conference of the theme series of the "Following the New Bureau" theme series to introduce the situation of Jining City to build a rural revitalization Qilu model leading area.

Jining City takes industrial revitalization as the material foundation of rural revitalization, and accelerates the construction of a modern rural industrial system; takes talent revitalization as the key move of rural revitalization, innovative talents "lead, cultivate, and use" mechanisms to stimulate the new vitality of rural talents; adhere to the material of material; adhere to material material teams; adhere to material material; adhere to material material team Civilization and spiritual civilization are grasped together to cultivate civilized rural style, good family style, and simple people's style; take good ecology as a support point for rural revitalization, grasp the improvement of rural living environment, rural infrastructure construction, agricultural green development and ecological repair; Organize the revitalization as the fundamental guarantee of rural revitalization, implement the leadership of party building, and explore the road of rural good governance with Jining characteristics. In the 2021 province's strategic assessment of the city's rural rejuvenation strategy, Jining City ranked second in the province.

Wang Hongzheng, Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the Jining Agricultural and Rural Bureau, said: "In the next step, we will focus on the high -quality and efficient agricultural, rural areas, and farmers, and wealthy farmers. This key ', strive to create a new situation in the revitalization work of Jining City, and make every effort to build a rural revitalization Qilu model leading area. "

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