Shaanxi Provincial General Defense Starting Provincial IV Flood Control Response Response

Author:Xi'an released Time:2022.08.21

From August 20th to 28th, the province will have a strong precipitation process from north to south. It has a strong streaming nature. There are many heavy rain points and dispersed. During the period, there is a short -term rainstorm. This round of heavy precipitation involves a wide range and long duration. There is a overlapping phenomenon in northern Shaanxi. There is a possibility of drought and flooding in southern Shaanxi, and the flood prevention situation is complicated and severe. According to the relevant provisions of the "Shaanxi Flood Control Emergency Plan", the Provincial General Defense General decided to launch the provincial -level IV flood prevention emergency response at 9:00 on August 20.

Provincial defense generals require cities, counties (cities, districts) and relevant units to attach great importance to the flood prevention work of heavy rainfall, adhere to "people's supremacy, life first", and press the responsibility for flood prevention at all levels. The front line leads to command. We must pay close attention to changes in rainwater, analyze and judge, issue early warning previews in advance, start or upgrade emergency response in a timely manner, and resolutely resolutely evacuate in advance and transfer to dangerous areas. It is necessary to highlight disaster prevention of mountain floods and mudslides, floods of small and medium -sized rivers, urban and rural waterlogging, dangerous houses, and dangerous houses, and reservoirs, tailings and silt dams, and timely shut down operations in the dangerous area of ​​the river, strict police in the river area Management to ensure the safety of people's lives and property.

Source: Provincial Emergency Management Department Flood Control Drought Resistance Office

Responsible editor Yan Han

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