Market Supervision and Administration Bureau: Grasp the main body of the marketing of e -commerce companies to help enterprises

Author:Tangshan High -tech Zone Time:2022.08.22

In order to continuously implement the requirements of the "E -commerce Aid Enterprise" activities "E -commerce Assistance Enterprises" activities, the "e -commerce assistance enterprise" activity is combined with smart supervision and credit supervision to promote the expansion of the supply chain of the e -commerce platform supply chain expansion , Strengthen the radiation power of the e -commerce platform, promote the docking of traditional industries and e -commerce platforms, and expand the business online and offline two -way channel expansion. The implementation of the "e -commerce assistance enterprise" activities was carried out to conduct supervision and inspection.

The leadership of the Municipal Market Supervision and Administration Bureau visited Hebei Maybucks Group Co., Ltd. on the spot. The person in charge of the company introduced the relevant R & D products in the headquarters exhibition hall in detail, and watched the publicity video of the enterprise. Prospect planning, as well as problems in the aspects of slow sales, promotion, e -commerce operations.

Subsequently, we had a face -to -face conversation with the enterprise, and at the same time, the following guidance and requirements were put forward: 1. The "e -commerce assistant enterprise" activity was a key task for the government to support enterprises this year. The market supervision department will focus on supervision, regulate supervision and help enterprises The combination of development allows good companies to get out of Tangshan, do practical things, and benefit enterprises. 2. The "e -commerce assistance enterprise" activity has excavated many cooperation opportunities. It is necessary to guide traditional companies to actively embrace the Internet and establish Internet thinking, so as to effectively promote the development of e -commerce. Third, the direction of the enterprise must be selective and goal, grasp the positions of their own companies, and make a choice that suits them. 4. Enterprises should also improve the awareness of e -commerce. Recently, the "e -commerce assistance enterprise" docking seminar will be held to invite a number of large -scale e -commerce platform enterprises and local enterprise representatives to conduct face -to -face "pulse consultation". 5. Improve the awareness of e -commerce, organize training meetings regularly, avoid possible problems, learn the excellent side of big brands, plan overall planning points, avoid conflicts, and increase network empowerment.

The leaders of the Municipal Market Supervision and Administration affirmed the "e -commerce assistance enterprise" activities of the high -tech zone, and they did do practical things for enterprises, improved the radiation power of the e -commerce platform, and promoted the deep integration of regional characteristic industries and e -commerce. Our branch bureau will increase its efforts to support the development and growth of the characteristic industries in the district, adhere to the combination of supervision and services, enhance brand influence, and lead the high -quality development of characteristic industries with new e -commerce formats.

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