Jiuquan City (city, county and district) Director of Human Resources and Social Affairs Live Bringing Goblies Warm Action Start

Author:Jiuquan Daily Time:2022.08.22

Live Bottom Platform "Cloud" end to help the people's worry

Jiuquan City (city, county and district) Director of Human Resources and Social Affairs Live Bringing Goblies Warm Action Start

On August 19th, Jiuquan City (City, County, District), hosted by Jiuquan Human Resources and Social Security Bureau and hosted by the Municipal Talent Exchange and Development Service Center launched a live -and -heart -warming action. Jiuquan Deputy Mayor Harrike attended the launching ceremony and announced the launch of the event.

It is reported that this event is the specific actions of Jiuquan's Human Resources System system to implement the policy measures of the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government's stability and employment. It is also an important measure to respond to the impact of the epidemic. The operation comprehensively helps small, medium and micro enterprises to relieve difficulties, and stabilize jobs to ensure employment.

After the launching ceremony, Harryk also checked Jiuquan Radio and Television Broadcasting Department, Broadcasting Department, and reporters. By watching some melancholy media products, listening to introduction, etc., I learned in detail the functional construction, platform application, content production and content production and content production of Jiuquan Radio and Television. The development of new media business.

7 heads of the Human Resources and Social Security Department and the person in charge of some employees participated in the live broadcast activities. (Jiuquan Rong Media reporter Fan Haofan pays Yu Yangjun)

Editor -in -chief: Wang Xiaojiao

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