Enhance the bottom line consciousness to overcome paralysis thoughts to ensure the safety of the people's lives and property

Author:Ecological Ya'an Time:2022.08.22

A few days ago, after the provincial and municipal flood prevention and disaster reduction, forest fire prevention and extinguishing work video conference, Baoxing County immediately held the county's flood prevention, ground disaster prevention, forest fire prevention work dispatch meeting, conveyed the implementation of the spirit of the provincial and municipal conferences, analyzed and judged the current and judged Flood prevention and ground disaster safety situation, comprehensively deployed flood prevention, disaster reduction, forest fire prevention, and safety production.

The meeting pointed out that according to the meteorological department notification, Baoxing will continue to have high temperature weather in the near future, flood prevention, drought resistance, forest fire prevention and extinguishing, and geological disaster prevention. The county and departments at all levels in the county must recognize the severe situation, and must be alertly alert, profoundly learn from the recent lessons of flood disaster in other places, further enhance the awareness of the bottom line, actively overcome the lax and relaxing mentality of paralysis, and make the flood prevention and disaster prevention, forest fire prevention, and disaster prevention and control. The work is grasping the concreteness, and strives to ensure the safety of the lives and property of the people.

The meeting requested that the bottom -line thinking and extreme thinking should be further enhanced, the risk of risk of risk of mountain floods should be comprehensively implemented, and the principle of "would rather prevents nine air defense, not to lose precautions" principle, strictly grasp the various tasks of flood prevention and disaster, and ensure the people. The masses safety. It is necessary to carry out the publicity of flood prevention and disaster reduction science popularization, strengthen the safety education of key groups and warning reminders of key parts of key groups, and effectively enhance the public disaster prevention and reduction awareness and emergency risk aversion capabilities. It is necessary to highlight the governance of the source, improve the targetedness, firmly establish the concept of preventing rescue, inspect key areas and key parts in key areas, and carry out hidden danger investigation and rectification at a full level. Essence It is necessary to strengthen monitoring and early warning, timely release the warning level of rain feelings, water conditions and geological disasters, and allocate risk prompt information to the public and tourists, and effectively achieve "upstream rain, midstream whistle, downstream running". It is necessary to resolutely organize the transfer of organization, strictly implement the rigid requirements of "three avoidances" and "three emergency evacuation", strengthen the control of key parts such as the summer -avoiding River (ditch) section, and rigidly persuade the people of the lower river to drag the people. It is necessary to improve the foreseeableness, make emergency preparations in advance, strengthen the preparation of flood prevention materials, facilities and equipment maintenance, etc., and to improve the emergency plan, carry out emergency drills, strengthen the construction of emergency teams, and ensure that they can fight time. It is necessary to strengthen work overall planning, compress the work responsibilities, strengthen duty on duty, strictly implement the 24 -hour duty duty system, ensure that various types of information reported accurately and timely, strengthen supervision and inspection, and eliminate the harm caused by failure to implement the responsibility.

Reporter Sun Zhenyu

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