Wangxiang • Wuling Rural Concert: Use talent culture to revitalize and empower rural revitalization Time:2022.08.22

Director: Xia Mengqi shot/aerial photography: Wang Mingrui editing: Yin Qinru

Changde Daily reporter Xia Mengqi Correspondent Guo Xingli on the evening of August 16th, "Zhihui Xiaoxiang · Hongyan's Covenant" Wangxiang · Wuling Rural Concert was staged warmly in Wuling Danzhou Art Dan Sha Township students, students of Qinggan class, left -behind children, and local villagers use songs and dances to express their infinite love for their hometown. This is also a microcosm of Wuling District with the party building as the leader and the revitalization of talents and culture.

The event was hosted by the Talent Office of the Wuling District Party Committee, co -organized by the Wuling District Committee of the Communist Youth League and Danzhou Township of Wuling District, and organized by the Party Branch of the Yidanyu Literature and Art Tribe. In recent years, Danzhou Township has always put the party building to promote rural rejuvenation in the primary position. Based on the ecological environment and the vast pastoral, the development of industry and tourism integration and development, carefully constructed the "Belt and Two pieces" development pattern. The Yidanyu Literary Tribe where the concert site is located has attracted 25 cultural associations, literary studios and 87 cultural artists to settle in, and nearly 30,000 people came to the sightsee Demonstration of hollow and hollow room rectification.

This event not only fully demonstrated the beautiful scenery of local literary and artistic talents participating in the revitalization of Wuling rural areas, but also more importantly to strengthen Wuling's adhesion to young talents and attract more students and young talents to return to their hometown.

It is understood that Wuling District will also hold a series of activities such as "Zhihui Xiaoxiang · Hongyan" to hold a series of activities such as Wuling Wuling, Xingxiang Wuling, to add talent for the high -quality development of Wuling.

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