Shandong Province took the lead in implementing the registered household registration system nationwide

Author:Qilu Yiyi Time:2022.08.24

Reporter Yan Cong intern Guo Ling

In recent years, our province has conscientiously implemented the requirements of national urban and rural integration development deployment, implemented the implementation opinions of the provincial party committee and provincial government to accelerate the development of urban and rural integration, promote urban and rural factors, facilities, services, and economic integration, and take the lead in implementing the register of registered registration in the country in the country. The migration of household registration in the province has been implemented in seconds, and the pilot of the Ministry of Education's support to carry out the pilot zone of rural education revitalization. More than 350 hospitals with more than 350 or above the province have established a counterpart contact mechanism with township health centers. 250,000 cooperatives.

The next step will be guided by urban and rural integration and development, adhere to the two -wheel drive of new urbanization and rural revitalization, promote the reasonable allocation of urban and rural production factors in a two -way free flow and public resources, and promote the formation of mutual promotion, urban and rural complementary, coordinated development, and common prosperity New types of workers, peasants, urban and rural relations.

The first is to promote the two -way flow of urban and rural elements. Deepen the reform of the household registration management system, in -depth implementation of the registered household registration system for frequent residence, enhance the willingness to transfer the population to the city to settle in the city, and open the channels for entering the countryside and return home. Deepen the integration of agricultural funds, and improve the stable growth mechanism of "agriculture, rural areas". Focusing on the clarification of property rights, deepen the reform of the agricultural and rural property rights system, and stimulate the vitality of rural resource assets. Improve fiscal and financial incentive policies, and encourage urban talents to stay in the countryside to stay in the countryside.

The second is to promote the interconnection of urban and rural infrastructure. Accelerate the introduction of the facilities in the urban areas of Shandong Province to the rural areas, promote the extension of water supply and heating and sewage pipe network to the countryside and large -scale central towns, coordinate planning comprehensive urban and rural transportation facilities, and further promote the construction of the "Four Good Rural Road" construction. Essence Establish and improve the maintenance mechanism of rural infrastructure, encourage the introduction of market -oriented management and protection enterprises, and promote the integration of urban and rural infrastructure management.

The third is to promote equalization of basic public services in urban and rural areas. Increase investment in education, expand urban and rural educational resources, implement grass -roots medical and health service capabilities improvement actions, improve the county medical federation (common) physical operation mechanism, and build a number of community hospitals. Improve the pension service network, increase the supply of nursing pension beds, strengthen the construction of community pension service facilities, and solidify the bottom line of the people's livelihood of urban and rural areas.

The fourth is to improve the level of coordinated development of urban and rural industries. Promote the revitalization of rural industries, cultivate a group of rural industries with a batch of rural industries above tens of billions, and build a number of national and provincial modern agricultural industrial parks. Improve the development of the agricultural product processing industry and the agricultural productive service industry, and strengthen special industries such as leisure agriculture, rural tourism, and homestay economy.

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