Latest notice!77 cadres with accountability accountability

Author:Hebei Daily Time:2022.08.24

On the afternoon of August 23, the 16th press conference of the new type of coronary virus pneumonia in Shigatse was held. The press conference reported that Shigatse City has given accountability to 77 cadres who have floated in the epidemic prevention and control, and they have been held accountable for accounts, of which 10 were removed from office; "Those who go to the mediocrity" and the distinctive selection and employment orientation.

According to reports, the rewards and punishments of Shigatse in the city inspire cadres, insist on the prevention and control of the epidemic as the "main battlefield" for inspecting party members and cadres, as a "test gold stone" that improves the style, pay close attention to the implementation, and examine the evaluation of cadres. The performance of the duties in the epidemic prevention and control work, the promotion and use of outstanding cadres who perform well and be courageous, and commit to the heavy responsibility, so that those who are in the same way and can do it; "Five regardless of" are dealt with seriously.

In the past few days, the Shigatse Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government have united and leading cadres and masses, earnestly implement the general strategy of "external defense input and internal defense rebound", and closely focus on the goal of dynamic dynamics of the society. Grasp optimization, promote improvement, make up for shortcomings, strong weaknesses, and promote the implementation of epidemic prevention and control measures. Persist in the prevention and control of the epidemic as a systematic project, comprehensively and comprehensively pressing the real land, department, unit, and individual "Quartet responsibility", improve the party members and cadres, and strictly implement the "two dispatch a day", "one day a day, one a day, one a day, one a day, one a day, one a day, one a day, one a day, one a day, one a day. "Report", mobilize the city's strength and coordinate assistance forces to fully invest in the battle against the prevention and control of the epidemic, build a working mechanism of intensive, operating efficient, and coordinated efforts, and bring together a strong joint force that combines anti -epidemic and overcome.

The concept of the people's supremacy and life first in Shigatse, comprehensive use of diagnosis and treatment methods such as China (Tibetan) medicine, western medicine, etc., and go all out to promote the treatment of diagnosis and treatment. As of 16:00 on August 23, a total of 160 diagnosis patients were receiving medical isolation treatment, including 3 heavy patients, 152 lights, 5 ordinary types, and good status. On August 22, 3 people were discharged from the designated base of the designated treatment base of Shigatse, and the current infected people were discharged from the cabin 198.

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Source | Tibet Daily

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