Come on! Let your love zoom in 10 times the horn of Zhengzhou Charity "99 Charity Day" has sounded

Author:Charity Charity News Time:2022.08.25

In order to welcome the seventh "China Charity Day" and the eighth "99 Charity Day", the Zhengzhou Charity Federation recently launched a "Love Story" in order to meet the seventh "China Charity Day" and cooperate with each development zone, districts and counties (cities and counties (cities and counties (cities and counties (cities and counties (cities and counties ) Charity Federation will focus on the city's 2022 rural rejuvenation Henan special session and Tencent's "99 Charity Day" series of publicity activities to mobilize more love forces to actively participate, and make contributions to charity for helping rural revitalization.

"Read one daily" deeply rooted in people's hearts

The "Charity Law" promulgated in 2016 provided a guarantee for the healthy development of my country's charity. In order to help the general public understand the "Charity Law" accurately, the Zhengzhou Charity Federation will compile "One Reading Daily" and arrange the relevant content of the "Charity Law" into publicity posters widely spread on the new media to further enhance the charity of charities to do a good job of charitable work. The sense of mission and responsibility, with legal leadership, promoting and ensuring the development of charity, and using law to stimulate, maintain and inspire people's enthusiasm for morality to good.

Household names in the streets and lanes

In recent years, the awareness and participation of the "99 Public Welfare Day" event has been soaring. The Zhengzhou Charity Federation has participated in the "99 Public Welfare Day" event for 4 consecutive years. From August 20th to September 4th this year, in 15 days, more than 3,000 charitable workstations and volunteer teams in Zhengzhou will go deep into all units, communities, towns (streets) to continue to carry out Tencent "99 Charity Day" preaching Activities to guide more caring people to participate in fundraising activities, and strive to be a household name.

Henan special public participation

This year's rural rejuvenation Henan special session and Tencent's "99 Charity Day" event include two stages. In addition to the national activities from September 7th to 9th, they also launched the "Rural Revitalizing Henan Specialty" activities from September 4th to 6th. This is also a regional special event created by the Tencent Charity Foundation for the public welfare charities in Henan Province. From September 4th to 9th, thousands of charity volunteers in Zhengzhou will go deep into communities, shopping malls, squares, universities and enterprises, villages, etc., focus on the "99 Charity Day" fundraising activities, mobilize guidance and help lovers to help Zhengzhou rural rejuvenation Essence

In addition, the Zhengzhou Charity Federation also printed 10,000 posters of the "99 Public Welfare Day". Through community streets, enterprises and institutions, merchant portals, read newspapers, etc., they continuously expand the influence and knowledge of activities.

The media help create an atmosphere

On June 10, after Henan Province held a video conference on Henan Specialty and "99 Public Welfare Day" event mobilization deployment video meeting in 2022, Zhengzhou's mainstream media responded to make full use of newspapers, radio, and television platforms to issue initiatives to the people of the city. Books, expand social influence. Making "99 Public Welfare Day" video tutorial and participating in the QR code of the event, spreading and displaying through outdoor screens and mobile phone sharing. Hundreds of programs in Henan Province and Zhengzhou City will also focus on the theme activities of "endorsement for love", recording publicity videos as "99 Charity Day" to promote the end of the publicity, creating a strong atmosphere of charity and donation of the whole people.

On September 1st, Zhengzhou Radio and Television Station will plan the launch of the "99 Charity Day" special program "In the name of" "Yi" to donate "live broadcast columns, inviting the heads of the development zones, districts and counties (cities) charities In the 2022 "99 Public Welfare Day" donation rules, content forms, starting time, rural rejuvenation Henan special session, how the people participate in, etc., answer a series of questions that the general public cares about. Participate in fundraising and pass warmth.

From August 31st to September 9th, Zhengzhou Radio and Television Station will roll up the "Zhengzhou Charity and Kaiyou Greentown" charitable information in the form of subtitles, and attach a QR code to call the public to participate in charity.

How to donate, please see here

In 2022, the rural rejuvenation Henan special session and Tencent's "99 Charity Day" event will be launched from September 4th to 9th. Volkswagen can search for the "Zhengzhou Charity and Kaiyou Greentown" project through the "Tencent Charity" platform, click "Single Donation" to conduct for it for Just donate. The project will officially launch crowdfunding at 10:00 am on September 4th. For each donation of 1 yuan, the caring company will be donated 10 yuan, and Tencent will also take out the corresponding donation. All good funds will be used for industrial assistance, helping weakness, children's care, pension service, five -club linkage, and "happy home". Every love will be magnified at least 10 times!

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