Light packaging Heavy Creative Hotel Mooncake is more close to the people

Author:China Tourism News Time:2022.08.25

It is another year of Mid -Autumn Festival. As the traditional food of the Mid -Autumn Festival, moon cakes have now entered the peak sales season. In response to the "sky -high" moon cakes that have been criticized in recent years, they have been repeatedly banned. In June this year, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Commerce, and the State Administration of Market Supervision jointly released the "Treatment of" Sky "moon cakes and promoting the health of the industry. "Announcement of Development" (hereinafter referred to as the "Announcement"), which proposes a series of measures to rectify the chaos in the moon cake market.

Mid -Autumn Festival is an important market node for hotel catering operations. Many hotels hope to use this traditional festival to catch up with this wave of moon cake sales boom. So after abandoning the "sky -high" moon cake, what is the sales of the hotel moon cake market this year? What are the innovations of hotel moon cakes? The reporter visited many hotels.

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Healthy and delicious return to traditional food

The "Announcement" encourages operators to produce and sell the cheap box of moon cakes, and implement key supervision of boxes with a unit price of more than 500 yuan. Welfare materials such as precious metals and mahogany are not allowed to be packaged as outer packaging, and rare ingredients such as shark fins and bird's nest are advocated.

The reporter saw two well -sold moon cakes at the Intercontinental Hotel in Changsha. "The Mid -Autumn Festival moon cakes we have produced and sold for many years are basically two simple models, one is the moon, the other is Zhenyue, and the two moon cakes. The pricing of the gift box is below 500 yuan. The appearance of the moon cake is mainly based on the bright orange system, with auspicious clouds and traditional flower shapes, no more decoration or other accessories. Moon cakes are named as beautiful jade and beautiful, reflecting traditional Chinese culture. " The relevant person in charge of the hotel sales department said. According to reports, the two moon cakes of Yueyue and Zhenyue seem to be simple, but they have their own inside. There are 8 flavors of two moon cakes. The hotel has previously made a full market survey to seek the actual needs of the guests. At the same time, the hotel strictly controls the quality of moon cakes, and is closely supervised on each link of early research, claims, acceptance, and ledger. Both the moon cake itself and the packaging ensure the quality.

According to the hotel sales department, the current moon cake sales have entered the peak season, and there are many companies and individuals who purchase and inquire about it. The hotel not only follows the sales team one -on -one, but also has been sold online since July. It is also more discounts that guests buy more. "This year, the hotel also joined forces with Dayue City to place the hotel moon cake in a shopping mall with large traffic, so that local guests and foreign guests visiting Changsha can feel the strong Mid -Autumn Festival atmosphere in advance."

Recently, the 2022 China Mooncake Culture Festival and Mooncake Innovation Exchange Competition hosted by the China Food Industry Association Baking Specialty Committee, the Jichun Garden Bailian Mooncake from Fujian won the title of "Chinese Famous Cake". "Juchun Garden Mooncake is a century -old brand, and the taste is based on the taste. We strive for simplicity in packaging and reflect the value in the quality of the moon cake itself." Wang Yue, member of the party committee and deputy general manager of Fuzhou Jichun Garden Group Co., Ltd., this year, this year, this year, this year, this year, this year According to the requirements of the "Announcement", Jun Garden strictly controls the quality of moon cakes. The pricing of moon cakes is mainly based on the variety and quality of the filling. The box design of the moon cake is simple to reduce the cost of gift boxes. "This year's consumer market is more rational when choosing the grade of moon cakes. From the analysis of the sales price of moon cakes in Junyuan, the sales of moon cakes around 100 yuan account for the largest proportion." Wang Yue said.

Xi'an High -New Hilton Hotel this year's moon cakes are more in line with the needs of ordinary consumers. The hotel agent general manager Tufurong introduced that this year the hotel advocates the concept of "light packaging" and reduce unnecessary packaging waste. The hotel has launched four moon cake gift boxes, all of which are simple and generous design styles. With practical actions, the country promotes frugality, opposition to waste, and curb the "sky -high" moon cakes.

Xi'an Shengmeia Hotel also pays more attention to the quality of the moon cake itself. Li Xing, manager of the hotel market information department, said: "The hotel this year is a light packaging and creative route to reduce the sales price and give the people benefits. The packaging is much simpler than in the past, but it pays more attention to design and cultural elements, reflecting the characteristics of the hotel. In addition to retaining traditional white lotus yolk moon cakes, rose Chenpi red bean paste yolk moon cakes, etc. Grasson miscellaneous moon cakes. In addition, there are Soviet -style cheese smoothie, Matcha red beans flowing heart moon cakes, green plum Longjing moon cakes, etc. "

According to Li Mingyi, the person in charge of the Nanjing Gunan Metropolis Group Office, this year, the Gunan Metropolis Hotel in Nanjing has launched a total of 6 moon cakes with a price of 399 yuan. There are Soviet -style moon cakes and Cantonese -style moon cakes, which can meet different market needs. "The moon cakes of the Gunandu Hotel have always faced the public, adhered to pragmatism, used content as the king, and resolutely eliminated excessive packaging. We have always done well in terms of moon cake prices, packaging and mixed sales."

Innovation and creativity broaden marketing channels

As the Mid -Autumn Festival approaches, the sales of mooncakes in each hotel are becoming increasingly fierce. Cultural and creative moon cakes, ice cream moon cakes, old -name moon cakes ... Many hotels develop new categories, cooperate with cultural and creative institutions to find breakthroughs, and diversify marketing. I hope that moon cakes with higher profit margins will recover some losses caused by the epidemic market for the hotel catering market.

Map of Guangzhou Hotels

Combining with culture and cross -border integration with Wenbo units is an important means for the packaging sales of moon cake packaging in Guangdong this year.

Guangzhou Garden Hotel has cooperated with the Guangdong Provincial Museum this year to launch the garden boutique double white and Bailren moon cakes, using an elegant background, and in the "Stone Blue Saton Bao Shengchang Hiroshi Bird Bird Big Express" of the Classic Collection of the Guangdong Museum of Guangdong Province " The pattern of the pattern is the design of the main element to make a simplified gift box design, which not only inherits the Guangxiu culture, but also carries the beautiful meaning of full moon reunion and auspicious and peacefulness. The Huaxia University Hotel and the Crafts Research Institute under the Guangqing Group jointly launched the "Huaxia Shenghui TOOYEH Cultural Mooncake Gift Box". The cultural and creative IP "TOOOYEH Rabbit" in this gift box is launched by the Institute of Arts and Crafts. It is a national IP with independent intellectual property rights. Wang Haoran, general manager of Huaxia Hotel, introduced that the two units jointly launched creative, popular, and market cultural tourism products, giving full play to the advantages of their respective fields, focusing on the integration of cultural tourism, product research and development design, hotel and crafts and crafts, etc. It deepen collaborative cooperation. The reporter saw that the rabbit master's cultural and creative moon cake gift boxes specially recommended into innovation elements, showing Lingnan culture, showing a strong Chinese style.

China Hotel cooperated with the Guangzhou Museum in 2021 to launch the "Cantonese Chinese Gift Box" to reshape the taste of traditional Cantonese moon cakes, realizing the integration of cultural, tourism and food, and the market response is very enthusiastic. This year, the two teams joined hands to create the "Cantonese China · Moonlight Treasure Box" for the Mid -Autumn Festival in 2022. This product draws inspiration from the collection of the Guangzhou Museum, and integrates the pattern in the national first -class cultural relics Guangxiu works "Qing · Mangram -Carved Eight Immortals Birds Bird Pattern". The sales volume is very optimistic.

Xi'an High -New Hilton Hotel has launched the "Green Environmental Packaging" moon cake gift box this year. The main material uses a completely degradable sugar cane residue and bamboo pulp, which can be converted into organic fertilizer in the soil and converted to plant growth. Tuo Furong introduced: "Gift boxes can be used in secondary time, used to plant flowers or storage, and continue the atmosphere of the festival. At the same time, the sweetness of sugarcane and the high of bamboo are also high. I wish everyone a high career in sweet days. This moon cake gift box containing the concept of environmental protection is given green to the Mid -Autumn Festival in inheritance and innovation. "

"The first half of this year was affected by the fluctuation of the epidemic and the sales performance was extremely unstable, so everyone also hoped that the moon cakes could make some income and boost confidence. We started the full sales of moon cakes as early as 2021. Last year's sales were 108 million yuan, this year strives to be the same as last year. "Mo Xiaohui said that the Group's deputy general general agent said that the group formulated a moon cake sales plan early and officially started all marketing in July.

The sales channels for all employees of Guangdong Travel Control Group not only include small programs, poster QR codes, etc., but also increased private region flows such as WeChat groups. It is particularly worth mentioning that the group's cooperation with Guangzhou Telecom. This cooperation is mainly aimed at the "Yuexianghui" member of the White Swan Hotel Group. Realize the purchase and payment closed loop on the "Delling Hotel" applet. Mo Xiaohui said: "When maintaining the market competition, everyone will work hard on product innovation." Ru Xiaxia Hotel's moon cakes have cultural and creative products rabbit, the white swan hotel and the Forbidden City food cooperation "my heart" Mooncake gift box, Baiyun Hotel and Chinese ceramic art master Feng Weimin launched cultural and creative moon cakes. The Guangzhou Welcome Hotel with a history of 70 years of history focuses on the classic inheritance. At the same time, through the certification of rural revitalization, every box of moon cakes sells a certain percentage of income to support the villages and towns that help the counterpart. Sales with moon cakes.

Promote the love of cultural entrustment

What are the impacts of the provisions of the four departments on the sales of hotel moon cakes, and what are the adjustments to make the product in terms of pricing or production to better adapt to consumer needs?

Ma Xiaolong, a doctoral supervisor and professor in Nankai University, believes that the existence of high -priced moon cakes is not a technical issue, but a management problem. Because moon cake itself is a special kind of ordinary food that carries the good wishes and good meaning of the public. The existence of high -priced moon cakes has lacks basic mass demand foundations. Mooncake packaging design is simplified as the inevitable result of satisfying mass consumption.

He analyzed that the promulgation of the "Announcement" must effectively suppress the high -priced moon cake market, especially the provisions of the provisions of "if necessary, account for costs" and other terms, and have significant deterrent effects on implementing illegal behaviors such as moon cakes as media implementation It is of great significance to the rational regression of moon cake as ordinary popular food attributes.

He predicts that on the basis of strictly following relevant laws and regulations, based on cost pricing, through reasonable profit interval, reasonable packaging design, production, processing, and sales of specialized moon cakes that meet market expectations and have typical market characteristics, it should become hotels. Develop the direction of the moon cake market.

He suggested that the taste needs to be strictly subdivided in the market, and on the basis of this, the product itself is continuously innovated, and the type of product type suitable for modern mainstream consumer markets is developed on the basis of respecting the tradition. The quality is obtained through the processing process, product quality, and later packaging of the moon cake products. These require moon cake manufacturers to increase the research and development capabilities of packaging design while continuously innovating products. Product quality and quality.

Wu Liyun, a professor at the Chinese Institute of Culture and Tourism Industry, the Second Institute of Foreign Languages ​​in Beijing, believes that the "Announcement" helps guide the moon cake market to avoid waste, prevent corruption, avoid improper profits, and help promote the return of moon cake products to the return of practicality and creativity. Returning to taste and quality will help promote the sustainable and normal development of the moon cake industry. She believes that from the perspective of moon cake products, packaging is only the added value of moon cakes. The market has increased the price of moon cakes with luxury packaging in the market. The essence is the upside -down of the original and waste of resources. The four departments stipulate that the moon cake producers will turn their focus to the flavor and quality innovation of moon cakes, and deeply excavate the cultural heritage and stories between moon cakes and moon cake culture, so that moon cakes will return to the essence of the Folk Festival, and the inheritance of food culture is the focus of public attention. Mooncake products require both taste innovation and quality, but the quality is not a piece of packaging that is not high -seeking, but it is derived from the quality of materials and ingredients, and the taste is diverse. Micks up, with cultural and creative outer packaging, can better match the consumer psychology of normal consumers.

Zhang Zuqun, an associate professor of the Department of Culture Heritage of the School of Design and Art of Beijing University of Science and Technology, believes that moon cakes are one of the indispensable cultural symbols in the Mid -Autumn Festival in my country, and it is also part of Chinese non -heritage food. The Mid -Autumn Festival is reunion with the circle of the Moon, and entrusts the hometown of the hometown and the love of relatives, and pray for a bumper harvest and happiness, becoming a colorful and precious cultural heritage.

He said that "sky -high" moon cakes often appear in high -end hotels, restaurants and e -commerce platforms. In recent years, moon cakes have often been binded with "sky -high", and at the same time, they have been on hot search, which has aroused heated discussion. In the 2003 Mid -Autumn Festival, "Mid -Autumn Festival Moon Cake and Housing" 310,000 yuan of "sky -high price". Moon cakes should not be labeled with "sky -high". It is necessary to reduce the use of high -end ingredients, let moon cakes return to the original taste of traditional food, remove complicated packaging and meaningless settlement products, and decorate the packaging in moderation to avoid materials from materials to avoid the materials of the materials. Waste, focus from how to turn the packaging into luxury to how to make moon cakes delicious, how to better combine with the spirit of Chinese traditional cultural etiquette, and let moon cakes return to the non -heritage of food from the Mid -Autumn Festival gifts of the "Face", inherit and promote China in China Traditional Culture. (Member of the interview team: Tang Bonnon Chen Yiyao Gao Hui Ren Li Jinzhi Junzi Draft: Wu Yan; Editor: Song Yuqiu)

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