Li County Organization listened to the third plenary meeting of the municipal government and the dual -day tackling event deployment meeting of the 100 -day project

Author:Longnan Li County Rong Media C Time:2022.08.25

On August 24, the third plenary meeting and the 100 -day project dual -tackling event deployment meeting was held. Liu Yongge, deputy secretary of the municipal party committee and mayor, presided over the meeting and spoke. Municipal leaders Lai Wenzhong, Li Fengchun, Chen Guisheng, Liu Cheng, Zhang Yonggang, He Hongmei, and the municipal government secretary -general Zhao Yajun attended the meeting.

Liu Yongge pointed out that if the government work in the first half of the year, the city's industrial development support is strong, the investment is strong, the urban and rural construction has its own characteristics, the ecological environment continues to improve, the business environment is continuously optimized, the people's livelihood guarantee is strong and effective, the growth rate of major economic indicators is faster. It is better than expected and achieved the "double half" goal.

Liu Yongge emphasized that in the second half of this year, all departments at all levels in the city should take the party's 20th National Congress, learn to implement the party's 20th spirit as the main line, and comprehensively implement the party's central government. "The general requirements, closely focusing on the" three environments ", make every effort to do a good job in the project dual tackling, consolidate the" two hundred -day activities ", and resolutely keep the" row in a row of grain safety, epidemic prevention and control, safety production, etc. The bottom line ", strongly promote the relocation of ecological disasters, the handling of people's livelihood, the ninth inspection and inspection of the State Council, and the county economic development. Economic and social and political environment.

The meeting conveyed and learned the spirit of the provincial party and government leading cadres, the 11th plenary meeting of the provincial government, and the spirit of the province's economic operation dispatch television conference. At the meeting, the 7 companies with the upper limit of the new regulations this year were rewarded.

The meeting opened to the county (district) level in the form of video. Chen Jun, deputy secretary of the county party committee, county head of the county, Wang Rui, member of the county party committee and executive deputy county chief, and deputy county chief Xie Cheng, Tao Zhongjun, Zhang Jun, Zhang Xiaoping, and relevant units of the county attended the meeting at Li County branch venue.

Reporter Zhao Huimin

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