In 2022, Texas issued a total of 34 copies of "Three Books and One Letter".

Author:Texas Radio and Television Sta Time:2022.08.25

On August 25, Dezhou City held a press conference on the fighting and elimination struggle in Texas City. The press conference invited Zhou Shaoguo, deputy director of the Municipal Party Committee Political and Legal Committee, Deputy Director of the Municipal Sweeping Office, and a spokesman, member of the Municipal Public Security Bureau Party Committee, Deputy Director, and Municipal City. Li Zhuangzhi, deputy director of the Sweeping Office, Du Shoujun, a member of the Party Group and Deputy Director of the Municipal Transportation Bureau, and a member of the Party Group of the Municipal Market Supervision and Administration Bureau, and a second -level investigator Gao Ming attended the press conference to introduce the progress of the city's scanning and elimination work.

Texas strengthened special rectification and resolutely block the industry supervision loopholes. Persist in combating, prevention and control as the base, regulatory regulation, formulation, and responsibility, comprehensively strengthen industry governance, and resolutely eradicate the soil breeding of the evil forces.

The first is to pay close attention to crackdown. Grasp the six key industries of financial lending, rural governance, information network, natural resources, transportation, and housing construction. Industry accurate policies and organizations have organized a series of special actions to combat rectification. Organize the development of three major industries in education, medical care, and market circulation to carry out special rectification actions, and continue to deepen industry governance and chaos.

The second is to make good use of "three books and one letter". Organize the assessment of cases involving black and evil, and print out the "Notice on the" Three Books and One Letters "of the" Three Books and One Letters "of the city's fighting and eliminating struggle". Promote the treatment of cases and promote the normalization of the case. Since 2022, there have been 34 "three books and one letter" in the city, all of which have been rectified on time.

The third is to strengthen the establishment of the rules and regulations. The city has carried out special actions of "solid -rooting and clear source" to promote special operations such as special safety production and illegal mining resources along the Yellow River Basin. The virtuous circle of "handling a batch of cases, solving a class of problems, and improving a system".

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