Longfeng Town, Hubei: "One Village, One Supplementary Police" create a new pattern of rural social governance

Author:Farm Bookstore Magazine Time:2022.08.25

Fading the costumes and putting on the police uniform, the veteran Huang Yanran embarked on the post of "Guardian" again, but this time, the location was replaced by the door.

Huang Yanran is the auxiliary police officer in Sanlongba Village, Longfeng Town, Enshi City, Hubei Province. Since he went to work earlier this year, the deep blue on his auxiliary police uniform has become the "peace" of the villagers.

Right now, like Sanlongba Village, 19 villages in Longfeng Town are active in the "Auxiliary Police in the Village". Enshi City explores the new model of social security governance in the grass -roots level of "one village, one auxiliary police", and has shown its birth vitality in Longfeng Town.

According to statistics, since this year, there have been 615 conflicts and disputes in the jurisdiction, of which 213 are directly medited by one village, and 210 have been resolved. The resolution rate reaches 98%, which effectively prevents all kinds of contradictions and disputes from superimposed and spreading.

The auxiliary police station in the village conduct traffic persuasion

Block the blind spots of rural public security prevention and control

On July 25, Huang Fangran filled out the situation of going out in the morning to the "Risk Prevention and Control Registration Book". There were dispute mediation in the book, information registration, publicity and education, and recently waiting to do things. Time, place, personnel, etc. are clear at a glance.

"We ask the auxiliary police in the village to record the daily work." Hu Jian, the director of the Longfeng Police Station, said that the police station also arranged a special person to remind and check their record registration work to be targeted during the prevention and control of public security.

In the police work room, the work card with auxiliary police contact information and responsibilities is noticeable. "In the past, the rural police forces were insufficient, and the original police operation mode was difficult to extend to the village level. The blind spots in rural public security prevention and control are inevitable. China is lonely and focused on handling the case. "Hu Cha said that since this year, criminal cases in the area have fallen by 20%, and the case of breaking the case has increased by 18%.

Also improved, there is information sensitivity and processing reaction speed. The tentacles extend to the countryside, and the auxiliary police officers of the group have become the "probe" of the flow of law and order.

The auxiliary police station in the village helps the villagers to clear the water pipe

On May 26, the villager Liu went to Lichuan to find the boss to sell medicinal materials. Due to the market reasons, the purchase price of 8 yuan 4 was reduced to 8 yuan. Liu did not follow, and the two quarreled. Liu called his son to complain and threatened to retaliate.

Liu's son quickly called the auxiliary police officer Huang Fan to say this. Huang Yanran discouraged Liu on the phone and said that he moved Liu's family to do work together. On the second day when Liu was advised to go home, Huang Yanran also contacted the boss of Shanglichuan's medicinal materials in the name of the village committee. Repeated communication, eventually prompting Liu to reach a sales agreement with the boss of the medicinal material, which completely eliminated the hidden danger of public security.

From the patrol of public order, to the clues, to the conflict mediation, and even the traffic guidance, more than 19 the auxiliary policemen in the village and the police, weaving the "Ping An.com" of 19 villages in Longfeng Town.

"Huang Yanran's police room is the '110' in front of our people's house. The lights of the police room in the village are on, and their hearts are stubborn." Said Li Dechen, a villager in Sanlongba Village.

Resolve the conflict between neighborhoods in time

At 8 am on the morning of July 19th, in the drizzle of Mongolia, Liu Zimin, Shuangyantang Village, Liu Zimin was promoting anti -electrical knowledge at the villager Liu Zide's house and let them download the National Anti -Electrical APP. As of 10 o'clock, 10 households have successfully downloaded the National Anti -Electrical APP.

For more than 10 years in the village committee, especially in Dangchen Auxiliary Police for more than half a year, Liu Zi is most sensible: "The villagers see the auxiliary police uniforms I wear, and they are more convinced of me. Know and resolve contradictions in time. "

At 8 am on April 14th, the two brothers of Wu had a quarrel. The brother wanted to change the fields he had changed again. To this end, his brother decided to replace the fields that had been repaired. But in this way, it is inconvenient to go home. The two swords were tense, watching the scene out of control. Liu Zimin rushed to the scene immediately after hearing that, stopped the expansion of the situation, and called his family members to go home to negotiate the matter, and conducted mediation under the joint participation of the police station, village cadres, and village auxiliary police.

On the afternoon of the same day, the two parties reached a compensation agreement to shake hands. When you see it together, it will evolve into a "hands -on" dispute, so it turns into invisible. The auxiliary police station in the village is not only the "good helper" of public security, but also becoming a bond of comprehensive governance of towns and towns, and becoming the "police officer" at the door of the people's house.

The auxiliary police are all members of the village comprehensive governance. They are members of the "two committees" team of the village. They can arrive at the scene in time. They are familiar, familiar, and cooked. Cooperate with the police station. Hu Chu, director of the Longfeng Police Station, said.

Nowadays, the normalization of anti -electrical fraud propaganda face -to -face. In response to the actual situation of the low publicity of the villagers in the urban -rural combination department in this jurisdiction, the village auxiliary police have successively carried out the "enter the community and enter the thousands of houses, and the houses. Facing the work of anti -fraud ", the ability to prevent fraud in villagers in the area in the jurisdiction has been comprehensively improved. As of now, nearly 20,000 people in Longfeng Town have installed the National Anti -Electric Fraud Center APP, and the incidence of electrical fraud cases in the area has decreased by 71%year -on -year.

Strengthen the assessment and guarantee of the auxiliary police

"Each year collecting population information, participating in straw burn in autumn and winter and spring spring, preparation of floods in summer, regular fire inspections and publicity and education ..." On July 19, the thick work ledger in front of Longfeng Community Captain The work of the past six months.

In addition, there are also helping the masses to contact the pumping drainage, agency ID card, and recovering the loss of scalpers to serve the people. Since Longfeng Town has taken the lead in promoting the "one village, one auxiliary" work in the city in February this year, the auxiliary police in the villages have accumulated more than 800 times. The auxiliary police in the village to promote production safety knowledge

The treatment is not high and the pressure is not small. The captain mentioned more, or the responsibility of this job. "Since I am this auxiliary police, we must do this job well!" It was this sense of occupation and responsibility that all one village and auxiliary police in Longfeng Town had seriously performed their duties and did their best.

In order to make the auxiliary police work more smoothly, the Longfeng Police Station establishes a supervision and evaluation system, conducts a democratic evaluation of the auxiliary police every six months, and registers the evaluation results as an important basis for the year -end assessment and evaluation.

The party committee and government of Longfeng Town implemented a reward and punishment system for the assisted police in the village, which greatly enhanced the enthusiasm of the auxiliary police.

The night was low, and the lanterns were at the beginning. Along on both sides of the Longdong River, the 285.6 square kilometer of future new districts in Longfeng Town, the new police mechanism has shown its vigorous and vitality. With the "Tibetan Blue" obligation patrol of a village and a supplementary "on -the -job" of the "Tibetan Blue" obligation patrol team, the police room police lights flashed, thousands of lights, and shared the Christmas night.

Author: Liu Lei Zhou Lin Li Jianfei

Source: Farm Bookstore Magazine

Edit: Gong Changsheng

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