Tips are not small!Xinzhou Police strongly promoted the "Hundred Days of Action", and cracked 548 small cases of people's livelihood.

Author:Pole news Time:2022.08.25

Jimu Journalist Ye Wenbo

Correspondent Kingman

Intern Xie Tingrui Zhou Yixian

Since the launch of the "Hundred Days of Actions" in summer public order to combat the rectification, Wuhan Xinzhou Police has continued to make efforts, paying close attention to the small cases of people's livelihood that happened to the masses, and made full use of the combat mechanism of "diligence in diligence" to continuously increase the invasion of wealth invasion. Cases of categories to crack down on rectification, adhere to the rapid break of small cases, strive to create a safe and stable social environment, and resolutely ensure the safety of the people's lives and property.

The small case is not small, people's livelihood is big

"Thank you, I thought that the electric vehicle was stolen and couldn't find it. I didn't expect you to help back." On August 13, Ms. Yang received the electric vehicle who had rejected the negligence and thanked the police at the Pancheng Police Station.

On July 31, the Public Security Branch of the Xinzhou District Public Security Bureau received a call from Ms. Yang for help, saying that the electric vehicles parked at the door of the house suddenly disappeared. In order to restore the loss of the masses in a timely manner, the police Gao Yingchun led the team to immediately conduct investigations. After a big data analysis and judgment, the suspect Cheng Mou was quickly locked.

The suspect's identification site

By following the line tracking and point control, Cheng was successfully captured on August 12. After interrogation, Cheng Mou confessed to the facts of theft. At present, Cheng has been taken criminal compulsory measures.

Thunder attack, breaking 40 cases

At the beginning of August, there were many stolen cases of electric vehicles in Yangluo Street, Xinzhou District. The Yangli Street Police Station immediately organized police forces to set up special classes to conduct investigations.

"The surveillance video at the scene of the crime showed that the suspect was a man and a woman. He wearing a mask when he committed the crime and was skilled in the crime." Du Huantao, the police of the special class, said that because the suspect was good at disguise, he had a strong anti -investigation consciousness. The police could not confirm their identity for a while.

In order to determine the identity of the suspect as soon as possible, the police investigated and judged the case of theft of electric vehicles in the area, analyzed the physical characteristics of the suspect, and tracked the whereabouts before and after the crime. After continuous fighting, Liu Mou and Tao, the suspect of the criminal. By squatting control, at 17:00 on August 22, the police arrested the two in one fell swoop.

Suspects were arrested

After interrogation, the suspect Liu and Tao Mou confessed to the fact that he had stolen more than 40 electric vehicles in the jurisdiction of the Yangluo area. At present, Liu and Tao have been criminally detained according to law.

Scarmed identification, timely loses

At about 13:00 on August 13, when the police car patrolling the police car of the Public Security Branch of the Public Security Bureau of Xinzhou District, he found that a man pushed an electric car to walk quickly when he patrolled the road on the road of Zhanglin Road, Tancheng Street. , Accelerate the preparations for escape. Police Gao Yingchun combined with the recent stolen police situation of electric vehicles. He keenly felt that the man was suspicious, and immediately drove the police car to stop.

The suspect's identification site

The question found that the man had no electric car keys and was vague. After repeated investigation, the man admitted the fact that the facts had just been theft and carried out electric vehicles at a certain construction site. After that, the police issued a police officer's certificate and summoned it to the Pancheng Police Station for investigation. At present, the electric vehicle has been returned to the victim, and the suspect is punished by the public security organs.

The Xinzhou Police said that it will always maintain a high pressure, resolutely crack down on the cases of wealth invasion with zero tolerance, and strive to improve the security and satisfaction of the people in the area. Starting from 548 small cases, 834 suspects were arrested.

(The picture is provided by Wuhan Xinzhou Police)

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