Decheng District organizes to watch the city deepen the construction of party building community construction work conferences in rural areas

Author:Decheng District Rong Media Ce Time:2022.08.25

On August 25, the city's deepening of rural regional party building community construction work conference was held. Zhang Yinzhong, deputy secretary of the district party committee and district chief, Wang Shouxin, member of the Standing Committee of the District Party Committee and Minister of the Organization Department.

The meeting emphasized that deepening the construction of party building communities in rural areas, we must optimize the establishment of organizations. According to local conditions, the village enterprises are used to drive, village enterprise joint construction, living integration, industrial drive, and central village gathering, etc., and promote the co -construction of village villages and village enterprises. At present, for the administrative village that has not fully displayed the integration effect, it is necessary to comprehensively sort out the "Seven You" standards, and achieve the leadership of the organization of the organization by strengthening the power of responsibility, the power of strong personnel, and the improvement of the working mechanism; Good local talents, attract the "five types of personnel" to return to their hometowns, grasp the team of leaders, and achieve talent support for talents; coordinate industrial planning, promote village and enterprise union, activate land resources, realize industrial creation and promote the prosperity; standardize the improvement of the party to enhance the party The service center of the group service center improves the response mechanism of "street and township whistle, departmental registration", and realizes service to enjoy the people's livelihood; adheres to affairs associations, grid linkages, civilized education, and realize governance and harmony.

The meeting requested that relevant departments at all levels should refine measures, compact responsibilities, strengthen guarantee, strictly assess, and vigorously promote the construction of party building communities in rural areas. Pay attention to methods and methods, closely connect with reality, and explore the development path suitable for local. It is necessary to combine the construction of party building community in rural areas, reduce the burden on village -level organizations, and allow village -level organizations and village cadres to better serve the masses.

Source | Decheng Rong Media Zhao Xiaona Editor | Mu Xiaohan

Decheng District Rong Media Center

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