Let the farmland "drink water", Huangchuan County is fully resisting the drought to protect the harvest

Author:Henan Daily Client Time:2022.08.26

Henan Daily Client reporter Hu Dacheng Henan Daily All -Media reporter Yang Jingjing Correspondent Zou Weifei

Since the beginning of the summer, the continued drought and rain in Huangchuan County have a great impact on autumn agricultural production and rural residents' lives. In order to effectively respond to the current drought, the management units of various irrigation districts in Huangchuan County give full play to their own advantages, and take multiple measures to do a good job in drought and water supply and water supply.

Plan the water in advance. Dengdian's management is located in the upstream Longshan Reservoir. Under the unfavorable factors of the small flow of water from Huanghe, it is closely grasped in the limited rainfall weather, and the dams of the dams are raised in time to stop the water and storage of water. According to the time difference between agricultural water in the township township and townships in the irrigation area, the water supply of timely peaks through the Liuwa Festival and the Lailong Festival gates. Thousands of acres of rice.

Actively coordinate water. The management office of the Huangchuan County Management Office and the Danhe Irrigation District of the Taniya Mountain Irrigation District actively communicated with the Reservoir Management Bureau in time, and in charge of the deputy county Yang Huichang personally went to the Reservoir Administration to coordinate the opening of the gate. The Tanyu Mountain Irrigation District has accumulated a total of 22 million cubic meters of water, effectively alleviating the drought and residents' living water in rivers and villages in the irrigation zone. At the same time as agricultural irrigation, the Paehehe Irrigation Area, it is more than 671 million square meters of hydration for rural residents' safe water sources in Baida Sanda, Zhao Chong Reservoir, Tusen Reservoir, Likan Reservoir, Dajin Beach Reservoir, and Danpan Mountain Reservoir. Inner white shops, umbrellas, Tandian and other townships and towns in towns and villages.

Engineering construction is agricultural irrigation. When the city's key project two -wheeled river gate demolition and rebuilding project is seizing the project, on the one hand, the progress of the construction of the gate reconstruction project is grasped and the project is made to make the efficiency of the project as soon as possible; Provide production of production and living water for the masses in the irrigation district.

Limited water raising in time. Based on the development of the large -scale pumping stations in Yangweizi, Huangchuan County, the water from the Zhaohe to the water reservoir and the farmland of the irrigation area from the Zhaohe water and the universal farmland according to the drought development and the masses. Yang Weizi Station has accumulated nearly 1 million cubic meters of water to solve the problem of more than 10,000 acres of farmland irrigation in Weigang Town.

At present, the county's drought resistance and water supply and water supply is in full swing. The seven irrigation areas are trying to fight drought to protect water supply. This year, the total water supply has been about 75 million cubic meters. All small and medium -sized reservoirs in the county have opened the water in time. In the next step, Huangchuan County will adhere to the problem -oriented orientation, and adopt temporary water adjustment, newly -opened water sources, extended pipeline networks, and timely water supply to ensure the safety of drinking water in rural people. Fully tap the ability to regulate the existing water conservancy engineering facilities and water supply potential, combine the water -adjusting water project, establish a large and medium -sized irrigation district irrigation ledger, and reasonably predict the trend of water demand for the irrigation area. According to the weather, soil conditions, crop growth, etc. Adjust irrigation water supply and water supply solutions, carefully dispatch, accurate irrigation, do its best to ensure irrigation water demand, and provide solid water conservancy support for the county's grain safety and living water.

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