China release 丨 The United States includes 7 Chinese entities in the export control list Business Department: China resolutely safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese enterprises

Author:Chinese network Time:2022.08.26

China Net August 26 (Reporter Peng Yao) Recently, the United States added seven China -related entities (mainly related to aerospace) to its export control list.At a press conference held by the Ministry of Commerce on August 25, a spokesman for the Ministry of Commerce, Shu Jianting, responded that the United States has repeatedly generalized the concept of national security and abuse export control and other measures to use state forces to suppress and curb other countries and institutions.The seven Chinese entities are included in the "entity list" of export control.China has resolutely opposed it.

Shu Jingsing said that the US approach seriously damages the normal economic and trade exchanges between China and the United States, seriously undermine market rules and international economic and trade order, and seriously threaten the stable supply chain of the global industrial chain.EssenceThe United States should immediately stop the error.China will take necessary measures to resolutely safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese enterprises and institutions.

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