How to make your baby sleep late?Three steps, the baby can fall asleep autonomously until dawn

Author:Fanma mother childcare Time:2022.06.18

The baby's sleep problem is a thing that countless treasure moms value very much. In fact, paying attention to the baby’s sleep problem is also "unbearable" for many Baoma. After all, after the baby is born, it is basically a mother to take care of the baby. Mom generally cares about the baby's sleep.

When the baby is not born, Baoma generally "fantasies" "the baby is relaxed as soon as he is born", but when the baby comes to the world, Baoma knows that she is really wrong.

The most collapsed by Bao Ma may be the newborn stage. After the production of Bao Ma, the baby is stubborn, and the baby is weak and needs to take care of it.

Not to mention that although the baby in the newborn period sleeps a lot, he does not consciousness, and basically wakes up once or two in one or two hours, but he has exhausted the mothers.

Although I have a lot of time to rest, I can't rest together, it is just a torture.

Therefore, many Baoma hopes that the baby will have the concept of day and night soon, and quickly develop a "normal" schedule, so that he can sleep well.

However, it is a pity that a long time has passed, and the baby still has no sleep. This is actually normal, because after the baby was born into this world, it takes some time to adjust.

In addition, the baby's development is not in place, and naturally it is difficult to sleep. At about four months, if Baoma can do a good job of sleep, the child may start to sleep all night, and at this time, Bao Ma can get better coherent rest.

You know, letting your baby sleep well is actually not only to allow Baoma to rest well, but also there are many necessary reasons.

"Family Medicine" mentioned: "Good sleep is essential for babies' healthy growth and development."

Therefore, parents must protect their children's sleep and let their baby sleep all night.

①Ichak of getting along with parent -child getting along

Children's sleep all night will help parents and children get along, which may not understand this. However, if you have experienced the child, you know that this is a very obvious reason.

After the child was born, the contact between Baoma and the child was almost done at all times, but the results that could be manifested in each other were different.

If the parent -child gets along, the state of the mother and child is very good, then in the process of getting along, it will increase the emotional expression of the baby's baby, the correctness of the baby, the difficulty of bringing the baby, and so on.

For example, after childbirth, some Baoma did not sleep well for several months because of sleep problems. This will make it difficult for the mother and baby to get along, because when Baoma is with the baby, it may Because of being too tired, there are some bad behaviors, such as dullness, hallucinations, irritability, and so on.

A mother I met before suddenly had a blank brain when I hugged the baby, and threw the baby to the ground.

The reason why this happened was because of the temporary loss of long -term sleep. Fortunately, because Bao Ma was sitting on the bed, the child did not fall.

However, if this happens elsewhere, it is likely to cause irreversible damage to the child. Therefore, it is important to let your baby sleep all night.

② Good for baby development

After the baby is born, although it is already a "child", the various tissues of the body are incomplete, and some do not even have the corresponding ability, such as the ability of the baby's limbs after birth, nerve control, vision, etc. , All are incomplete. And these will gradually develop and grow gradually in the future.

In terms of baby's development, sleep is very important, because the baby's growth is more concentrated when the baby is asleep, so it is said that the newborn sleeps for a long time. This is because newborns need to grow and develop quickly.

If the child is not sleeping well, it will affect the secretion of the vitamin, and at the same time, it will also affect the normal physiological phenomenon of the body, such as body circulation, metabolism, etc., thereby interfere with the baby's development. Therefore, sleeping is good for the baby's development.

③ It is conducive to habit development

Sleeping all night has a very important impact on the development of the baby's various habits.

The most intuitive is the baby's sleep habits. If you want to get good sleep habits, you must sleep late. In addition, there are children's work and rest habits, which is also a very intuitive habit.

In addition, children's exercise habits, eating habits, etc. will also be affected by sleep. If the child can sleep late, the children's exercise will focus more on the daytime period, and the child is more likely to develop the habit of eating in terms of diet.

If the baby can't sleep, then the child's exercise, diet and other habits may follow "chaos". Therefore, sleeping is very important for the development of the baby's habit.

"Healthy Life" mentioned: "Children can't sleep well affect the height of the long body."

In fact, children can't sleep well, not only the height, but also many aspects:

1) Affecting children's development

If the child can't sleep well at night, it will have the greatest impact on the child's development. As we said above, when the child's growth and development concentrate, when sleeping at night, so the child can't sleep well, and first will affect the child's body.

However, affecting the child's body is not to say that only the child's body grows, and the poor sleep will also affect the child's body to regulate the ability to regulate the body, which will cause the child's immune dysfunction, which will not only affect the height of the child, but also affect the child's weight. Disease resistance, exercise ability, etc. 2) Destruction of children's cognitive formation

Children can't sleep well at night. Many parents just think that they will affect their children's perception of day and night, but in fact, the child’s brain cognitive ability will be destroyed, and the child’s cognitive ability will not be repaired after being destroyed. Until the state of not damaging, that is, this damage is irreversible.

Therefore, in order to ensure the child's brain development, parents should pay special attention to their children's sleep and maintain the child's deep sleep state, so as to allow the child's brain to develop healthy.

3) Reduce children's immunity

In fact, not just that children do not sleep well, immunity will decline. If anyone sleeps well, immunity will decrease, and even if some people seriously lack sleep, they will also cause sudden death. This situation is reported almost every year.

I saw a news before that a girl was preparing to meet the big test because of staying up late for a few days in a row. As a result, myocarditis occurred, and she almost asked for her life.

The resistance of infants and young children itself is weak. If the sleep is not maintained well, the child's immune system will reach the point of collapse. Therefore, parents must pay attention to maintaining their children's sleep.

But the question is, how to promote the baby to sleep late?

"Volkswagen Health" mentioned: "Helping your baby to develop good sleep habits from an early age can better promote your baby's health and grow happily."

So, how should parents let their babies sleep late?

● Help your baby to find sleep rhythm

The baby's sleep habits are actually gradually established in the constant influence, and this "influence" is that parents usually bring some behavior habits of their baby.

If parents often use some incorrect ways to coax their children to sleep when they bring their baby, and they cannot let their children find their sleep rhythm, then the possibility of children falling asleep autonomous is less likely. Because there is no correct sleep habit affects themselves, children cannot develop good sleep habits.

Therefore, parents should pay attention to cultivating their children's sleep rhythm, and with the rhythm of sleep, the children's sleep habits will be developed slowly.

When cultivating children's sleep rhythm, parents can try to do fixed things at a fixed time, such as fixed breast milk, fixed cleaning, fixed sleep, etc. This will have an impact on the child, and the child will gradually follow the parents with the parents The rhythm began to fall asleep and gradually develop ideal sleeping habits.

● Establish a high -quality sleep environment

To maintain the baby's good sleep, you need to build a high -quality sleep environment for your baby.

When the baby is sleeping, parents need to pay attention to maintaining the appropriate temperature and humidity, fresh air, dim light environment, and quiet sound environment (with white noise) in the room. The body sensation allows the baby to sleep in a very comfortable environment. In this way, the baby's sleep duration and quality are easier to ensure.

In terms of environment, there is one thing to pay attention to. Based on the reasons for taking care of children, many Baoma likes to sleep at night at night. This habit is very bad.

Although the light of the night light is weak, even if it is such a weak light, it will still affect the child's sleep, interfere with the child's melatonin secretion, etc., which will not be good for the child's development and affect the coherentness of the child's sleep.

● Learn to "pause laws"

Some parents find that when they are sleeping and crying, they like to hold the child immediately. This is actually wrong, because sometimes the child does not really wake up.

Therefore, parents should pay attention to the use of the "pause rule", that is, if the child makes a humming and crying sound when he sleeps, the parents can observe first to see if the child is in a light sleep state. Return to sleep.

If the child is crying more fierce, parents can calm down a small amount, but do not perform a big move, because at this time, it is the big move that the parents really wake up the child.

When did your child start to sleep?

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