Shandong Binzhou Sanhehu: "Small Grid" serves "Great Minsheng"

Author:Lingxiu Sanhehu Time:2022.08.26

In 2022, the Party Committee of Sanhehu Town, Binzhou City, Shandong Province draws on the grid management of Wanggezhuang Street, Laoshan District, Qingdao City, an effective way to innovate social governance, promotes the work center of gravity, sinks the work force, and implements the "four -step method of the masses ", Implement" grid "to connect to the service masses, implement the" fixation, people, and determine responsibility "working model, and extend the tentacles of serving the people.

"The Red Cross has a 'Boai Qilu, helping the disabled Liangkang', mainly to provide free cataract surgery for people in the family. After I go back, I will help you contact you." Hearing this, Sanhehu Town Zhu Jingxiang, the old party member of Zhukou Village, was surprised and happy. The person in charge of the 52nd grid of Sanhehu Town, Zheng Chongzhi, the head of the 52nd grid of Sanhehu Town.

Zheng Chongzhi and the village branch secretary Zhu Wenxuan learned in a routine grid visit that the elderly Zhu Jingxiang had cataracts and a blind eye, and told him the good news of the Red Cross was engaged in the event. Subsequently, Zheng Chongzhi immediately contacted the relevant business departments of the Red Cross, filled out the application form, and obtained the approval of the relevant departments. The elderly Zhu Jingxiang went to Binzhou Hubin Ophthalmology Hospital to successfully perform surgery. There are many specific examples of solving difficulty in the people like this, and there are many of the 77 service grids in Sanhehu Town.

In order to achieve the focus of the work of serving the people, further shorten the radius of service to the people, scientific planning and reasonable division of Sanhehu Town, divided the entire town into 77 basic grids, and adopt a town cadre plus a village (residential residence ) Or the "1+1+1" model of the community cadres plus a villager group or the community administrator with a strong grid service forces, with a total of 231 part -time personnel, of which the cadres of the stationed organs are responsible for the grid. People, with other personnel, conduct various social management services such as visiting, service, and agency in grids.

On the basis of the "thinning and fixed person", in order to expand the channels of connecting to the serving the masses, Sanhehu Town while implementing the original visits and fixed days of reception of the masses. Contact the people and other forms of the masses, enrich the content of cadres to contact the masses, unblock the channels for the masses to express their wishes, and help solve the difficulties of the masses in a timely manner. In particular, the town has established an information network management platform. For matters that can be handled, the "daily newspaper, day -to -day, and daily knot" system is implemented, which greatly improves the efficiency of mass matters.

Since August 15th, Zheng Chongzhi, director of Sanhehu Town City Construction Office, has continuously nailed the construction site of three villages such as Houjiayuan and Hexi Zong. On August 24, the construction team accidentally damaged the gas pipeline during the construction of the earthwork. While he rushed to the scene immediately, he immediately coordinated the gas company to the scene to maintain it, which not only eliminated the hidden safety hazards in time, but also ensured the living gas of residents in the jurisdiction.

Only the work is effective, and the masses can be more satisfied. In order to completely implement the work of the grid -based contact service, the town party committee started from the system construction, and established and improved seven systems such as the first questioning system, normalized visits, and tracking services. At the same time, the special personnel of the Organization Office, the Commission for Discipline Inspection, and the Supervision Office formed the inspection team, adopting field inspections, home visits, telephone inspections, interviews with parties, checking files, checking the reception of the petition office of the town (Residence), community grid visits to contact the situation of serving the masses. The leaders of each Baocun (residential) and the secretary of the responsibility zone inspect party members and cadres every week to contact the masses; on the last Friday morning of each month, the town party committee conducted a comprehensive inspection of the information, reception logs and other information of all agencies cadres. The monthly telephone monthly spot check, the number of people with a monthly telephone check is not less than 100, the inspection and random inspection results are not only reported in time, not only the seamless gaps, non -stop, and comprehensive aspects of work inspections have achieved the implementation of work implementation. Supervise, open, and rectify.

"Through the implementation of the town -village (residence) -village group three -level grid management services, all party members and cadres sank to the front line, interact with the masses, rely on platforms such as agency centers, mass workstations Promoting the two -way connection between the party and the community and the group, "said Zhao Lubo, a member of the party committee and deputy mayor of Sanhehu Town.

Usually, the situation is diligent and the situation is accurate, and the masses have difficulties and cadres in time. Grid contacted the service to the masses, and weaved the "Happiness Network" of the party and mass groups of Sanhehu Town. Since the beginning of this year, the town party members and cadres have visited and received more than 8,000 people. They have handled more than 710 items for the people's representatives to help solve more than 370 practical problems, regulate 17 letters and visits cases, and assist supplies of more than 40,000 yuan.

Author: Hu Demin

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