From the night of the 27th to the 28th, the crane wall has a middle to heavy rain, which will be artificial rainfall!

Author:Infinite crane wall Time:2022.08.26

According to the latest meteorological data analysis, it is expected that from the night of the 27th to the 28th, due to the gradual retreat of the Western Pacific subtropical high pressure, the cold air in the north is influenced by the south, there will be heavy rain in Hebi City, and it is accompanied by a strong stream of strong convective weather such as short -term heavy precipitation. The distribution of rainfall is uneven. The cumulative precipitation is 20-30 mm, and the local is 30 to 40 mm.

This round of precipitation process will alleviate the drought in our city. The city and county's meteorological department will closely monitor the changes in weather, seize the opportunity of the weather to organize artificial rainfall operations to help drought resistance and autumn work. At the same time, it will strengthen the internal and external federations of the departments, carry out progressive meteorological services, update the weather forecast information in a timely manner, and timely release the meteorological forecast and meteorological disaster warning signal.

Future weather forecast

On August 27th, there were clouds and clouds at night. There were showers and thunderstorms at night. The north wind was 3-4, and the gusts were 5-6 ° C; 20-26 ° C;

On August 28, there was a middle to heavy rain, the north wind was 3 to 4, and the gusts were about 5 levels, 16 to 23 ° C;

On August 29, the show stopped cloudy, and the north wind was 3 to 4 levels, 16 to 21 ° C.

Follow and suggestion

1. Ask the government and relevant departments to prepare for strong counterpart weather such as short -term precipitation in accordance with their duties.

2. Please pay close attention to the weather forecast information and meteorological disaster warning signals released by the meteorological department. Pay attention to preventing derivative secondary disasters caused by short -term heavy precipitation.

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