Directly hit the press conference 去 Recently I have been to these two places, please take the initiative to participate in nucleic acid testing

Author:Sichuan Observation Time:2022.08.26

On August 26, the Press Office of the Chengdu Municipal People's Government held a press conference on epidemic prevention and control work to report the latest situation of the epidemic prevention and control.

Yang Xiaoguang, deputy secretary -general of the municipal government and director of the Municipal Health and Health Commission, notified at the meeting to check the risk of the epidemic as soon as possible, and reminded if it was from August 18th to 25th.Historical personnel living in Gangzi Street Community, Haitang Road Community), please take the initiative to participate in nucleic acid testing and cooperate with relevant community management.From 18:00 on the 26th, the city's nucleic acid detection point provides citizens with free mixed inspection services. Citizen friends are requested to check the citizen nucleic acid sampling point near the Gaode map.

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