Wang Zhonglin participated in the Xiangyang City delegation's review and proposed to hold the banner standing to stand the overall responsibility and take the lead in the construction of a new development pattern to build a new development pattern.

Author:Yangtze Cloud Time:2022.06.18

On the afternoon of June 18, Wang Zhonglin, deputy secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and Governor, proposed in the review of the Xiangyang City delegation of the 12th Party Congress of the Provincial Congress. Effectively unify the ideas and actions to the Provincial Party Committee's decision -making and deployment on the construction of a national development pattern of new development patterns, accelerate the "building a fulcrum, in the forefront, and compose a new chapter", and forge a comprehensive construction of a new socialist modernization journey.

At the meeting, Liu Xuerong, Ma Xuming, Wang Taihui, Ding Shixue, Meng Yanqing, Xu Yong, Liu Xingfeng, Min Hongyan, Yang Ling, Yuan Andong, Liu Mingfeng, Chen Jing, Li Minghui, Yan Tingting, Luo Xingbin and other representatives spoke. Everyone agreed that the report of the Provincial Party Congress was high, the theme was clear, the connotation was rich, and the focus was prominent. It was a good report that held up the banner, condensed people's hearts, and urged people. It actually put forward plans and suggestions for implementation in combination with the work.

After listening to everyone's speech, Wang Zhonglin said that Comrade Wang Menghui represented the report made by the 11th Provincial Party Committee. Firmly political; comprehensively summarize the major achievements and valuable experiences of the past five years, fully reflect the historical initiative of continuing the new journey in the past; adhere to the Hubei strategy of building a new development pattern from a global plan, which fully reflects the strategic strategy of standing Gao Mouyuan Leading; adhere to the accurate policy of systematic concepts and overall plans, fully reflect the practical guidance of grasping the laws and pragmaticness; the persistence and strengthening the party's comprehensive leadership through all aspects of the entire field, fully reflect the depth of promoting the comprehensive and strict governance of the party to govern the party. Highly conscious.

Wang Zhonglin emphasized

As a large economic province, a large science and education province, a large ecological province, and a large agricultural province, the construction of a pioneering district to build a new development pattern nationwide is both responsible and the opportunity to develop.

It is necessary to stand in a global situation, deepen awareness, fully and accurately implement the new development concepts, fully transform the advantages of using science and education, location, industry, and resources, and continuously accumulate victory and accelerate development in services and integration of new development.

It is necessary to focus on key and key breakthroughs, focus on improving comprehensive strength, seizing the high point of scientific and technological innovation, enhancing industrial competitiveness, promoting high levels of opening up, optimizing the business environment, coordinating development and security, strengthening transportation and building a strong economic cycle.

It is necessary to adhere to emancipating the mind and bold innovation, dare to fight hard to fight hard, really implement the implementation of the landing, consolidate the same morality, and promote the construction of the pioneering zone as soon as possible.

Wang Zhonglin pointed out

Xiangyang's position is important and important in the province's overall situation. The Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government has high hopes for Xiangyang, proposing to vigorously develop the Xiangyang Metropolitan Circle, and create a provincial sub -cities that lead the development of the Hanjiang River Basin and radiate the Nanxiang Basin.

It is necessary to know the responsibility and the focus, and to do it. In improving the development of energy levels, accelerating the conversion of kinetic energy, promoting strong county projects, optimizing the business environment, and promoting common prosperity, we will strive to strive for the leadership of regional non -provincial cities. Give full play to the role of traction and make new and greater contributions to the province's pioneering zone.

Hubei News Official Production | Reprinted please indicate the source

Supervision: Guo Xiaorong

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