The bright fires everywhere in Chongqing Forest Fires have been extinguished

Author:Xinhuanet Time:2022.08.26

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, August 26th. Recently, there have been many forest fires occurred in Chongqing North, Banan, Dazu, Changshou, Jiangjin and other places. The reporter learned from the Emergency Management Department on the 26th that as of 8:30 on the day, after the joint efforts of all parties, the bright fires of the forest fire in Chongqing have been extinguished, and they were completely transferred to the clean -up stage, and there were no casualties and important facilities.

In response to the severe situation facing the current forest and grassland prevention and fire fire, the office and emergency management department of the National Forest Grassland Fire and Fire Destroyer Division emphasized that it is necessary to compress the responsibility of preventing and extinguishing fire, strengthen the research and judgment of the fire of fire, and organize the management of field fire sources and investigation and punishment. Special operations of illegal fire use, strictly rigorously approve the management of agricultural fire in high fire insurance areas, increase supervision and law enforcement, and severely fire the fire perpetrators. Take strict control measures to strengthen fire prevention inspections, encounter high -temperature and drought weather such as high temperature and drought, resolutely implement closed management of key forest areas and park scenic spots, and fully resolve fire risks. Improve and improve the emergency plan, strengthen the duty duty, carry out realistic cases, practical training and drills, improve emergency response capabilities, and effectively put the safety of people's lives in the first place.

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