Xinxiang: 125 pure electric bus debut!These 6 routes have been launched and operated

Author:Plains Evening News Time:2022.08.26

On August 26, citizens were surprised to find that a brand new new energy pure electric buses shuttled back and forth on the streets of Renmin Road, Xinfei Avenue. With the launch of the 125 new car, Xinxiang City ushered in a new era of low -carbon environmental protection new energy operations.

"Take this bus today, and it is on the eyes. The new car's air conditioner is very powerful, and the riding is more comfortable. In the future, I will choose more bus travel!" As the first passenger of the new bus No. 61, Huang Zihan said excitedly.

On the new bus 61, the reporter found that the space in the carriage was spacious, the environment was fresh and pleasant. During the driving process, the vehicle was as smooth as one, so that people could not feel the bumps at all. Compared with the bumps and noise of traditional buses in the past, the noise of the new car is small, and the car starts and the station is more stable.

"Nearly 16 kilometers one way, it takes more than 60 minutes in a trip. The previous buses were relatively bulky. After a trip, the cervical spine and waist became stiff. The new car was lightly operated, and the seat could be heated." The 21 -year -old "old driver", Xiaopu, a long section of the 61 car, introduced that the new car configuration is full of sense of technology. There are many blind spots for buses. The newly invested buses use a 360 -degree environment. The vehicles are equipped with cameras around the vehicles. The driver can master the situation around the vehicle at any time. The vehicle is also equipped with a congested road conditions. In the case of congestion, the vehicle itself, and external pedestrians and vehicles can be provided with safety prompts, thereby increasing the coefficient of driving safety.

It is reported that the city purchases 204 new energy pure electric buses. At present, the 125 new energy pure electric buses that have been launched this time have been put into operation on the 1st, 7th, 11th, 11th, 18th, 36th, 61st, 61st roads. After all 204 vehicles are put into operation, the proportion of new energy buses and air -conditioning vehicles in our city has reached 100%, and completely bid farewell to the operation history of old non -air -conditioning cars.

Zhen Jianjun, deputy secretary and general manager of Xinxiang Public Transport Group, introduced that the use of new energy pure electric buses will further improve the environment of urban and rural residents, meet the citizens' sense of travel experience, help reduce vehicle operation, maintenance, and safety costs, realize the realization of Zero -emission of pollution, for the completion of the national "bus cities" creation indicators and successfully creating the national "bus city" demonstration city to help add the color.

In the next step, Xinxiang Public Transport Group will gradually increase the number of vehicles in line vehicles in accordance with the actual situation of road signal priority, seasonal transformation, and new cars.

Xinxiang Daily All Media Reporter Li Wenqi

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