Huaxi enters the rainy period!The high temperature in the south will further subscrib

Author:China Meteorological Administr Time:2022.08.27

Over the past day

Chongqing Beiyi and Fengjie

Fujian Fuzhou situation

The highest temperature reaches 40 to 40.7 ℃

Affected by the "saddle" residual cloud system

Guangdong Maoming and Zhanjiang

Yunnan Xishuangna and Pu'er and so on

Land heavy rainstorm (100 ~ 194 mm)

At present, the impact of "saddle" on my country

Basically end

Ten days

West China will enter the rainy period

Cumulative rainfall

From the significant part of the previous period to too much



It is estimated that from 27 to 30, there will be a strong rainfall process in the area of ​​West China to Huanghuai. East, eastern part of the Northwest, eastern part of the southwest region, southern North China, Huanghuai, Jianghan, Jianghuai and other places have medium to heavy rain, Shaanxi, Shanxi, Shanxi There are heavy rains in parts of the south, the west of the Sichuan Basin, and northern, and northern Henan, and heavy rains. The above -mentioned areas are accompanied by strong convective weather such as short -term heavy precipitation and local mines.

Among them, this weekend (27th to 28th), the rainfall will mainly appear in the eastern and southern parts of North China;

From the night of the 28th to the night of the 29th, the main rain area moved to the south of Shaanxi, the north and west of the Sichuan Basin, and northern Chongqing;

In addition, from the night of the 28th to the 30th, Huanghuai, Jianghan, and Jianghuai will also have obvious rainfall.

High temperature

At present, the range and strength of the high temperature in the south

Gradually reduced

High -temperature warning has been downgraded to yellow

The Central Meteorological Observatory issued a high -temperature yellow warning this morning: During the day, today, there are 35-39 ℃ high -temperature weather in eastern Sichuan, Chongqing, northern Chongqing, northern and east of Guizhou, southern Hunan, Jiangxi, southern Zhejiang, Fujian, central and northern Guangdong, and north of Guangxi. Among them, the highest temperature in some areas in western and north of Chongqing can reach more than 40 ° C.

Affected by strong rainfall process

In the future, high temperatures will be further subsided

It is estimated that starting from the 29th, the high temperatures that last for many days in Sichuan Basin, Chongqing and other places will weaken;

On the 31st, high temperatures in most parts of Jiangnan will also subscribe, and the continuous high temperature weather process of the south ends.


The public in high -temperature areas must be done well

Prevention and cooling measures

Pay attention to electricity safety in the room

South Shaanxi, Gansu, Sichuan, Chongqing and other places

Pay attention to the prevention of heavy rainfall

Or persistent rainfall may cause

Urban and rural floods, floods, geological disasters, etc.

Be sure to pay attention to safety

Today's science science, please accept it

The China Meteorological Administration's Xuanke Center (China Meteorological News) produced by
Source: Central Meteorological Observatory

Edit: Jiang Hong

Review: Chen Lei

- END -

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