China Petroleum Open Day 丨 Wuwei: Many dreams are now "refueling"

Author:Changde All -Media Time:2022.08.27

On August 26th, the Petroleum Open Day event, which was "enabled by the new Gansu", entered Wuwei, Gansu, and the launching ceremony was held at the Gaoba gas station.

The purpose of the event is to fully demonstrate the development achievements of China Petroleum Gansu Wuwei Sales Branch under the leadership of the party, vividly show the good spiritual style of the employee team, vigorously spread the company to practice the concept of green development, serve the powerful measures to serve the economic and social development of Wuwei, and use this as a strong measure. Media, guide customers to walk into PetroChina.

At Gaoba Station, the warning pier became the new "net celebrity". "During the peak of the holidays, a employee guidance at the exit, the vehicles can enter the station in an orderly manner, which significantly reduces the previous head -of -headed refueling phenomenon, improves the efficiency of the vehicle's refueling, and reduces safety risks." Sun Ying treats the station at the station. The creativity is quite satisfactory, especially the efficiency of refueling during the peak period of refueling is very obvious. In the past 10 minutes, 6 vehicles can be added. At present, the full load during the peak period can be added with 16 vehicles. The refueling efficiency is significantly improved.

Free car washing, boiling water, bathroom, copying copy ... In order to build a person · car, car, life station, the station also has a special convenience service. The value -added service can meet the reasonable needs of each customer. "Let customers have a better experience is our goal that we have been working hard." Sun Ying said.

In the convenience store of Gaoba Station, the 17th category 623 products made visitors dazzling. Yang Wangang, manager of the material department of Wuwei Ronghua New Agricultural Co., Ltd., told reporters that even when buying was a hurry to sweep the goods they needed, there was no much attention. Don't let me give it too much. "I just listened to the explanation. These products were all local agricultural products. With the help of the PetroChina network platform, they were sold to the country to increase their income for local agricultural special products' outs' and farmers' income." He said.

According to reports, through big data analysis, the station has also continued to adjust sales products and better serve customers. Last year, Gaoba gas station sold 2.214 million yuan in annual sales. During the live broadcast of farmers carried out on the same day, everyone "Yun" would help farmers, seek cooperation, and develop. More than 90,000 people watched online, received more than 80,000 likes, and sales reached 1.22 million yuan. Quinoa, premium high -quality wolfberry, pear nectar, handmade gardenia and other products are selling online.

The reporter learned that China Petroleum Gansu Sales Wuwei Branch carried out real estate outlets in the local area to help rural rejuvenation, joined the Minqin County Government to select and prefer local specialty products, and use the advantages of China Petroleum Network platform to sell Minqin honeydew melon and mutton. A total of more than 2 million yuan.

What Gansu Wuwei Sales Branch has done more than that.

During the new crown epidemic, the company implemented the policy of rent -reduction and benefit enterprises to reduce rent of 44,000 yuan for individual industrial and commercial households who rented the company's real estate; overcome difficulties to solve the "difficulty of using oil" by the enterprise, and help enterprises to resume production. "During the epidemic, the water was welcomed during the epidemic, and the oil used in our construction site was sent to the construction site to ensure the construction of the project on time. Thank you very much for China Petroleum!" The thumb was praised.

"Cultivate a child, change a family, and drive a village." This is the goal of "Xuhang" aid project that focuses on education in the field of education. The number of people is 900,000 yuan, and the scholarship will be issued 37 people.

Organize employees to participate in voluntary tree planting and sand pressing activities, complete 120 acres of sand pressing every year, and contribute to the continuous promotion of the construction of green Wuwei.


"We have been on the road to serving the three rural areas,‘ Xuhang ’, and promoting local economic and social development." Wuwei Sales Branch said.

We used to have the same dream, light up, until permanent, there are many dreams, that is now "refueling"!

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