Price Weekly | The price of pigs has risen this week.

Author:Surging news Time:2022.08.27

According to the monitoring of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, on August 26, the average price of pork in the national agricultural wholesale market was 29.13 yuan/kg, a decrease of 0.9%from the previous day; 1%; the average price of this week is 28.98 yuan/kg, which is basically the same as the average price of 28.95 yuan/kg last week.

This week, domestic pig prices slowly climbed up the trend. According to the data of China Pig Raise Network, on August 26, the price of pigs (three yuan) was 22.44 yuan/kg, which rose 3.7%compared with 21.63 yuan/kg last Friday (August 19). From the perspective of the week, the average price of pigs this week was 22.12 yuan/kg, which increased by 2.6%compared with the average price of 21.56 yuan/kg last week.

Recent pork and pig price watch surging news

On August 24 this week, the National Bureau of Statistics released the market price of important production materials in the circulation field in mid -August 2022. In mid -August, the price of pigs (outer three yuan) was 21.4 yuan/kg, which was compared with early August. , Decreased by 0.1 yuan per kilogram, a decrease of 0.5%.

According to the "Development of the Meat Industry in the First Half of 2022" released on August 26, in the first half of the year, the output of pork, cattle, sheep and poultry in the country was 45.19 million tons, an increase of 2.28 million tons and an increase of 5.3%over the same period last year. This output is also the highest output in the same period. Among them, the output of pork, beef, and mutton was 29.39 million tons, 3.02 million tons, and 2.12 million tons, a year -on -year increase of 8.2%, 3.8%, and 0.7%, respectively. The output of poultry meat decreased, reaching 10.67 million tons, a year -on -year decrease of 0.8%.

According to Zhuochuang Information Monitoring, this week (August 19th-August 25th), the national pig transactions averaged a slightly fell on-the-same-month-on-month trading. The average national pig transaction weight was 122.28 kg, a slight decrease of 0.06%month-on-month. In terms of demand, the operating rate of slaughtering companies this week fell slightly. The breeding end pressure bar is sold, the supply of pigs is tight, and the slaughtering enterprises have not acquired. In terms of demand, with the rise in pork prices and insufficient follow -up demand, downstream dealers conflict with high prices, and the decrease in pork orders for slaughtering companies have led to a decline in the operating rate. The average weekly operating rate of the key slaughtering enterprises was 23.32%, an increase of 0.17 percentage points from the previous month. In the next week, Zhuochuang Information predicted that in terms of supply, the fertilization of the secondary fertilizer was resurrected. The breeding end was affected by the high -priced secondary fattening pigs. At present, it is a lot of emotions to sell well again. In addition, the end of the month is limited, so the price of Diaolito is the price. In terms of demand, the boost of schools has more scattered demand for demand, and the speed of the terminal is slightly slow. There is a phenomenon of upside down in some areas, which has a constraint effect on the rise of the market. Taken together, the price of pigs may fall first and then increase in the next week. The price operating range may be 22.30-22.80 yuan/kg.

The industry believes that this summer has encountered rare continuous high -temperature weather in most parts of my country, and to some extent suppress pork consumption. Ruida Futures believes that in terms of consumption, the duration of high -temperature weather in the south is shortened. Near September, the school's start and double -section consumption boost, and consumption expectations have improved; in addition The retail investors weakened, the scale of the large -scale pig farm controlled, and the price phenomenon turned strong; however, as the price rose, the large piglet column of the pressure bar increased slightly, coupled with the movement of high profits to leave the field, limiting the space above the pig.

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