Sunan Town held a community epidemic prevention and control work meeting

Author:Colorful Dongxiang Time:2022.08.27

On the morning of August 26, the Conference on the Prevention and Control Work Conference on the Epidemic Evailability of Suonan Town was held. Ma Xiulan, member of the Standing Committee of the Standing Committee of the State Party Committee, Secretary of the County Party Committee, and Executive Division of the County Epidemic Work Department attended the meeting and delivered a speech. Xiao Jianlong, Minister of the Organization Department, attended the meeting.

At the meeting, it reported the prevention and control of the community epidemic in Suonan Town.

The meeting pointed out that the current situation of the outbreak of the province in the country is still severe and complicated. It is necessary to adhere to the overall strategy of "external prevention input, internal prevention and rebound" and the "dynamic clear zero" general policy. The requirements of living and development must always maintain a sense of crisis and urgency of thin ice, always maintain a state of war, and constantly improve the ability and efficiency of emergency response, take care of them, make enough preparations, investigate the vulnerabilities of hidden dangers, and truly achieve ideological thoughts. Do not loosen, do not loosen the measures, and do not loosen the responsibilities, strictly and carefully grasp the "second half" article of the epidemic prevention and control, and resolutely guard the results of the hard -controlled epidemic prevention and control.

The meeting requested that the personnel of the personnel should be comprehensively coordinated. The county party committee and organization department should be responsible for the transfer of staff from the duty unit of various communities. , Fully find out the bottom of the community, standardize the establishment of a work account, "point -to -point" relying on the implementation of the responsibility and "grid" to promote the implementation of the key links of the community management and control Readfine personnel registration filing, check code measurement, classification management and other measures to achieve refined, precise management and control, and never give the epidemic input and rebound any opportunity.

The meeting requested that the county market supervision bureau and the urban management bureau must comprehensively strengthen the management and control of the industry, highlight the key places such as hotels, restaurants, shopping malls, etc., and comprehensively understand the size, business scope and business conditions of personnel, and register. Further suppress the main responsibilities of commercial and trade -in -law enterprises, individual industrial and commercial households, strictly implement the control measures and control measures of key industries, key places, and key groups, adhere to strengthening people, things, and environmental defense, strictly entering, selling, storage, and transportation. Control, urge the implementation of "one sweep, three checks and one test", wearing masks, one meter line, disinfection and ventilation and other prevention and control measures, block the loopholes in a timely manner, and maximize the way to spread the transmission of epidemic. The County Commerce Bureau should strengthen the inspection and inspection of hotels and hotels in the county seat. While urging the daily monitoring of employees and personal protection, strictly put the "enter the store", strictly implement the real -name registration of the residents, so that the history of living must be asked. The source of the source is nuclear and disinfected every day according to regulations, and various prevention and control measures are implemented without discounting.

The meeting requested that it is necessary to further improve the political standing and deepen the ideological understanding. There is no outsiders in front of the tree in the future. , Work together to do a good job of community control. Cadres at all levels must perform their responsibilities at work, to do their best, to fulfill the morale of unity and hard work, to overcome the stubborn style of continuous operations, the more and more brave style of the Vietnamese battle, and actively invest in the first line of the epidemic prevention and control, the owner of the economic construction master On the battlefield, the cadre's hard work index was exchanged for the health index, happiness index, and safety index of the masses, and welcomed the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with practical actions.

Writing: Ma Jianhui

Edit: Zhang Fo Ci

Editor -in -chief: Hu Fawei

Produced: Fan Zhongju

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