In 2022, Beijing Technology Zhou Changping's distinguished venue event was successfully ended

Author:Beijing Changping officially r Time:2022.08.27

"Low -carbon has me" popular science carnival, "Summer Light Search for the Summer of Traveling in the Science and Technology Travel", and the popular science activities entered the community ... with the successful popularization of a science popularization event, on August 27, Beijing, 2022, Beijing The science and technology Zhou Changping's distinction of the venue event was successfully ended. The science and technology week activity attracted more than 3,000 people to participate in the event directly. The online video playback volume exceeded 100,000, and the total number of online visits exceeded 6 million.

From August 20th to 27th, Beijing Science and Technology Zhou Changping in 2022 carried out nearly 20 online and offline activities around the theme of "Low Carbon with My Science and Technology Creation Future", which fully demonstrated the Changping District in terms of scientific and technological innovation. The fruitful results have made citizens fully feel the charm of science and technology, and the popular science atmosphere is becoming stronger.

At the launching ceremony of this event, the "Changping Digital Science Popularization Map" applet was officially launched. It is the first digital science science map in Beijing. It links more than 20 science popularization bases through informatization. The popular science form combining culture and art will be upgraded to comprehensively build the "Changping Popular Science" golden business card. Through the "Changping Digital Science Popularization Map" applet, citizens can understand the relevant information of more than 20 science popularization bases in the region. The reservation base can not only facilitate citizens to visit and study offline, but also participate in fun activities such as online answers and punch cards.

"This applet is particularly easy to use. It can not only participate in online activities and understand science popularization base information, but also can see various activities such as popular science experience, visits, lectures and other activities of various popular science bases on the applet, and can directly make an appointment online to make an appointment Signing up to participate in the event. It is really convenient for us to take children to participate in popular science activities. "Ms. Wang said.

Relying on the "Changping Digital Science Popularization Map" applet and the popular science facilities of Wenyu River Park · Future Zhigu, the "Summer Searching for the Summer Light Seeking" of "Touring Beijing Wenyu River Park · Future Zhigu" and "Fun Changping Science Travel" The "energy power" and "environmental protection knowledge" contained in the inside interact with each point by scanning the code in the applet. After the answer is successful, you can stamp the check -in. Pickled and answered questions online and offline, which further improved the enthusiasm of young people to participate in popular science interaction.

During the event, a tour of the science and technology innovation enterprises in science city in the future, visited Beijing Mars Human Palace Technology Co., Ltd., Beijing Tianan Agricultural Development Co., Ltd., Beijing Donglian Haar Instrument Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Tianxinfu (Beijing) medical device By producing short videos of scientific and technological achievements of high -tech companies in China, Huaxia Yingtai (Beijing) Biotechnology Co., Ltd., lead the public to understand the scientific research results and experience the charm of science and technology. At the same time, combined with the characteristics of the pharmaceutical and health industry of Changping District, we must focus on the theme of science and technology resistance, visit the two companies of Lepu and Kayi, and produce short videos of scientific epidemic prevention knowledge about nucleic acid testing and antigen detection. Science and control of scientific prevention and control, innovation to help science popularization and dissemination of scientific epidemic prevention knowledge.

In addition to online activities and launching popular science videos, offline also carried out a series of popular science activities with low -carbon theme. In the community, the science popularization community activities were carried out, and through scientific performance shows and science lectures, it showed the charm of science and promoted the spread of scientific ideas and methods. The professor conducted a lecture on the theme of low -carbon themes to stimulate young people's interest and love for low -carbon environmental protection; in universities, conducting popular science lectures, strengthening interactive cooperation with colleges and universities in districts, and promoting the development of scientific research, science and technology and popular science in colleges and universities.

This event is hosted by the District Government, and hosted by the District Science and Technology Commission, the Propaganda Department of the District Committee, the District Education Commission and the District Science and Technology Association to focus on the construction of the construction of science and technology empowering the construction of the International Science and Technology Innovation Center and the development of science and technology to help green and low -carbon development. The development of a series of activities helps Changping to better create a social environment that loves science and advocates science, promotes the formation of a good atmosphere of science, love, science, and science in the whole society, and accelerate the creation of "wings of science popularization" carrying innovation and development. Essence

"The Summer Find of the Changping Travel Notes 'Summer Finding' will continue for one month. Citizens can continue to participate in the event through the" Changping Digital Popular Science Map "small program to win the prize for punch cards. At the same time, various popular science popularization launched during the event period Video, citizens can still watch by paying attention to the "Changping Xiaoke 'account (Douyin, Weibo, B, Today's Headline, Watermelon Video and other platforms)." The district will make full use of the online propaganda platform, continue to carry out various popular science popularization activities with rich and various forms, spread the latest scientific ideas and scientific and technological achievements to the public, and promote the rapid development of high -tech enterprises in our district.

Photo/He Yuan

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