"Pickings Park"!Taiyuan Shuangta Park: Kuching Yang Meijiang is glowing with youthful colors

Author:Taiyuan Culture and Tourism Bu Time:2022.08.27

Su Xiaojian Photo

"Three Jinlou City looked down, and a long howl leaning on the rod. The clothes were so wet, and the drink was cold and cold. "The world is wide," the expression of the twin tower of the Ming Dynasty poet Li Jundeng Lin Yongzheng Temple revealed the majesty of the urban landmark and the cultural soul. The completion of the Shuangta Park not only fills the gap in the lack of comprehensive parks in the eastern region of our city, but also perfectly reproduces the "Twin Tower Lingxiao", one of the eight scenic spots in ancient Jinyang, and has become a beautiful scenery in the provincial capital.

Watch "Twin Tower Lingxiao"

"Go, Grandpa takes you to Shuangta Park to stroll ..." On August 18th, Uncle Zhang of Hao Jiagou ate early and greeted the grandson who came to Taiyuan for summer vacation from other places to leisure to Shuangta Park not far away. "I used to visit the park before, and I got Yingze Park and Wenxun Park. It was a bit far away. Now I go out a few steps to be the Twin Tower Park, which is much more convenient."

Entering the park from the north gate, the towering dual tower came into view, and went all the way to the Yongyu Bridge. Uncle Zhang took a group photo for the grandson and the double tower, and set a good moment with a mobile phone. Subsequently, the grandchildren stopped by the lake. Under the blue sky, the lake was crystal clear and the lake was like a mirror. "Did you see the double tower reflection in the lake? Isn't it beautiful?" Uncle Zhang is now studying with commentary. Two high towers are like a pair of twin sisters. One "Double Tower Lingxiao" wonders -the sunlight and light at the same time, the east tower tower shadow intersects.

Shuangta Temple, the national key cultural relics protection unit, Yongzheng Temple, is a well -known tourist attraction in our city. In May 2020, in order to better protect and inherit the historical culture and relics of Shuangta, and enhance the cultural connotation and taste of urban cultural connotations, the construction of Two -Tower Park with a total area of ​​89.6 hectares was started. The park takes the "Twin Tower Lingxiao" of the Eight Scenic Scenery of Kuching in Kuching, and is built around the national treasure -level cultural relics Temple in the core area. On July 9, 2021, the park was built and opened. The 7.9 hectare landscape water system surrounded the double tower. Very rhyme.

Reward the four seasons

Walking south along the lake, the old one saw the side of the slope, and the photography enthusiast Liu Bin was shooting light purple red flowers.

"This kind of flower is called a fake faucet, and now it is the flowering period ..." Liu Bin said. He used to go to major parks to shoot flowers in different seasons before, and after the completion of Shuangta Park, he did not need to run around. By the year, different flowers. "

"There are flowers in the four seasons, and different scenic spots in the four seasons." Dai Xiaohua, deputy director of the Shuangta Park, introduced that in the concept of ecological construction, Shuangta Park reflects the rich regional characteristics of Taiyuan. The original vegetation has made more than 5,800 original trees on the spot, which largely maintains the original ecological environment of the plant. At the same time, adopt garden borrowing scene, matching scene, frame scene, leakage, obstacles and other methods, through the configuration of local tree species, dense construction layout, and layered landscapes to create Chunhua, Xia Yun, Qiucai, winter fun The beauty of the garden.

The Yongzheng Temple is stored in the Ming Dynasty peony "Zixiaxian", which is 400 years old. The flowering period is coming every year. "Zixiaxian" is the first to bloom. , Attracting tourists. Around this characteristic, the Shuangta Park has a peony garden, and a large number of peony is planted. The combination of the outer phase of the temple in the temple has become the largest peony viewing area in the city.

Combined with the characteristics of seasonal changes, Shuangta Park also built cherry blossom garden, rose garden, Lagerstroemia garden, Begonia garden and winter scenery garden. "Spring has pear blossoms, apricot flowers, peach blossoms, cherry blossoms, and the lotus leaf pavilion flowers shake the shadow. Before you expand it.

Antique building

Li Min, who lives in Nanguanhuan Street, Nanneu, Jiannan Road, often walks in Shuangta Park. On the evening of August 20, her part -time tour guide told reporters that the south gate of the park was composed of two -shaped high -platform buildings and a beautiful arched corridor bridge and the temple on the top of the bridge, like the Tiangong Pavilion.

It is understood that the construction of Shuangta Park building is combined with the core area of ​​the cultural relics Yongzheng Temple, all of which use the Ming and Qing style brick and wood structure. The architectural forms are rich and diverse, and the pavilions and pavilions are all available. There are many types of buildings, and there are many types of roofs. There are crowded mountains, roofs, spoils, and roofs, as well as roofs of the sheds, roofs, and hard mountains. There are many changes in unification. Rarely. There are 18 groups of antique buildings such as Xiangran Pavilion, such as Songfeng Pavilion, Qiyue Xuan, Qinghui Corridor, etc., such as Songfeng Pavilion.

"While inheriting history and culture, the park construction also integrates red education into it." Dai Xiaohua introduced that the park focuses on the theme of "reading history, strong beliefs, education, and beautiful scenery". The upgrade of the file has also made the park a highland of red education, which is convenient for citizens to receive red education when visiting the park.

After walking along the runway with rubber particles and a total length of more than 3,600 meters, it is already the beginning of the lantern. The lights in the park are on. Li Min came to the Lake Ran Pavilion while resting. Buildings.

Source: Taiyuan Evening News

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