Creating Civilization Funding City | North District of Qingdao City: Cleaning Homeland Qi Qi and Creation Create Civilized City

Author:Popular Net Qingdao Time:2022.08.28

Civilization is the heritage and soul of a city, which penetrates the development of the city and integrates in the lives of the people. Since the beginning of this year, the city's North District has continued to promote the creation of a model city of civilized civilization, adheres to the problem -oriented, tackle pain points, take responsibility, pay attention to practical achievements, in improving the environmental sanitation, governing farmers' markets and surroundings, rectification of city appearance and environmental order, focusing on old -fashioned old age The community transformation and other aspects have worked more to further enhance the quality of urban function and enhance the sense of gain, happiness, and security of residents.

Grid empower to build a civilized city

Jimo Road Street takes "party building leading a network governance" as the starting point, giving full play to the "party and mass e -family" platform to collect public opinion, unblocking public voice, and guiding and encouraging residents to actively reflect the environmental hygiene, city capacity, transportation, transportation discovered during the city creation period. Uncivilized behaviors such as order help the creation of a model city of civilization.

Recently, the fourth grid residents of the Xiaogang Community of Jimo Road Street released a topic on the "Party Mass E Home" platform: "Parking at the gate of No. 52 Xiaogang One Road, often traffic jams, seriously affecting our travel, hoping that the community will help solve it." After the issue, the community party committee was reported as soon as possible. The community party committee immediately organized staff and convenient service teams to verify the situation at the scene. It was found that many car owners would park their vehicles at the entrance of the community at will, which greatly increased the pressure of the road. After research and judgment, the community party committee linked to the street urban management department in a timely manner, set up a blocking pillar in a suitable location, and blocked the chaotic vehicle outside the community. Cities create a good atmosphere environment. Ms. Li, a nearby resident, said: "Thanks to the Community Party Committee for responding to the" Party Mass E Home "platform as soon as possible, to effectively solve the troubles and bad things around us, maintain smooth driving in the community, and like the community and the platform!"

Cadres sink and share the new style of civilization

More than 1,500 members of the sinking work group, streets, community staff, secretary of the grid party branch, building leader, and party member volunteers in the sinking line work group. The back streets and alleys, old buildings, corridors, flower beds, green plants, green plants, health dead corners, and weak links of the accumulation of garbage, tobacco head crumbs, leaves and weeds of the cigarettes are concentrated.

It is understood that after the cadres sank, they went to the community for investigation as soon as possible to understand the difficult and pain points of the community work, and actively sought solutions. They also walked streets, cleaned dead ends, cleaned small advertisements, and so on. This is the epitome of sinking cadres in the "front -line working group" of Shibei District. They show their responsibilities in front -line work, and help improve the level of cities' work in a solid work style.

Fine service transmits people's livelihood happiness temperature

Focusing on the "key small things" focusing on the people's livelihood such as chaotic stacks, sanitary dead ends, deadly dead corners, occupation of road operations, and illegal buildings, start with details, focus on from a young age, and further promote the operation of illegal and chaotic operations and the work of creating a city. Hefei Road Street will use the first Saturday as a "Creative City Rebellion Day", and jointly carry out the "Saturday Obligation Labor" in conjunction with the "front -line working group".

At present, there have been more than 500 people such as the "front -line working group", street community, party volunteers, and property of the "front -line working group", street communities, party volunteers, and properties in Fuling District, and more than 30 places. There are more than 10 cars of various mixed garbage in various types of Qingyun, and more than 500 weed advertisements. It is difficult to demolish more than 300 square meters of illegal construction such as the illegal construction of the Yishan Peninsula Community.

In the next step, the city's North District will be transformed into a strong work, focusing on economic and social development, the construction of spiritual civilization in the jurisdiction, and contribute to the quality of urban areas, deepen the connotation of urban areas, promote the creation of a model of civilization The neat community environment, maintaining the "face" of the city's image, and benefiting the "lili" of people's livelihood construction.

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