Practice the "pen pole" and tell the "good story" -the "Luo Di Sheng" editorial department of Luoyang Road Street, Shibei District to carry out business training

Author:Popular Net Qingdao Time:2022.08.28

In order to ensure the operational effect of the Editorial Department of the "Luo Di" and improve the level of news releases of the correspondent of the editorial department, on the afternoon of August 25, Luoyang Road Street, Shibei District carried out news photo shooting business training in the conference room on the second floor of the office. All correspondent participated in the training.

Before the training began, Lu Lei, deputy secretary of the Party Working Committee of the Street Party Working, notified the previous operation of the editorial department, and praised the corresponding number of daily contributions represented by Zhang Lu represented by Haiqin Community social workers. Active members named criticism, and the members of the editorial department were motivated by rewarding and punishment.

In the later period, the editorial department will summarize the previous operation experience and modify the points exchange methods in a timely manner. In order to ensure fairness, professional media people will invite professional media to select excellent manuscripts every week, exchange and learn and push them to the superior department for publicity. Points are pushed to the unit for calculation. Further enhance the enthusiasm of members' submission.

Subsequently, the meeting invited the Peninsula Metropolis Daily reporter Deng Huixiu Deng Huixiu to explain the common errors, news photo shooting requirements and techniques one by one. And the personnel titles and sentence expression of the preliminary submission of the members of the editorial department reported in the preliminary submission of the manuscripts, and analyzed and explained it in detail through the PPT manuscript, using example display, specific demonstration, and error modification. Skill.

It is reported that the editorial department of the "Luo Di" was formally established in June this year. The editorial department set up a "two -editors and four groups, which adopts regular quantitative, selected reports, training discussions, typical trees selection, and incentive restraint mechanisms to promote and cooperate with each other. Ensure that the manuscripts are quality, mobilization, and effective.

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