As of 24:00 on August 27th, the latest situation of the new Coronatte virus pneumonia in Jiangsu

Author:Nanjing released Time:2022.08.28

According to the authoritative release of the Jiangsu Provincial Health Commission on August 28:

At 0-24 on August 27th, there were no new local diagnosis cases in Jiangsu, and 2 cases of new natives were added (Nantong City Report, all of which were closely connected by positive personnel in other provinces.To.

2 cases of new overseas input inputs were added.1 new case of hospitalization (overseas input), and 5 asymptomatic infected people who have been relieved of isolation medical management (2 cases in the homeland and 3 cases overseas input).

The details of the newly added infection are released by the relevant districts and cities.

At present, there are 14 confirmed cases of quarantine treatment in designated hospitals (3 cases of 3 cases and 11 cases in overseas), and 58 asymptomatic infections who receive isolation medical management (29 cases in the homeland and 29 cases overseas).

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