Foreigners@老 | "Sea Drifting Cowboy" challenge Shanghai Gourd

Author:Report Time:2022.08.28

Steven Weathers, who came to Shanghai in 17 years, has recently heard a special "food". Just on Nanjing East Road, it was not far from his daily activities, but he never tried.

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In fact, even many Shanghai citizens dare not try -the bad braised bleeding to eat.

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Especially on the hot day, the braised sauce can make people immediately "cool". For example, the yellow mud snails are still "horrible" in the glass can. If you pass by, you won't miss it, Steven holds a yellow mud snail and put it directly into his mouth. Chewing carefully, the five flavors are mixed, "I can't tell the taste, I feel wine."

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Not only that, Steven also tried bad fish and bad pig hands. For most foreigners, these dishes are a bit "peculiar". But the sloppy pig's hand obviously won the favor of Steven. It turned out to be sweet and sour, which reminded him of the American barbecue and couldn't help eating two more.

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Centennial old -fashioned Shao Wansheng is famous for his colorful and colorful food. Taking the yellow mud snail as an example, this is a soft -shell product. The sorting process must be manually operated, and the related production links need to be strictly disinfected. In addition, Shao Wansheng also has products such as bad halogen chicken, poor braised pork tongue, and bad braised pork belly.

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As a well -known host, actor, director, and station B UP owner, it is the 2012 Shanghai White Magnolia Award winner. Not only is he spoke fluent Chinese, but he can also integrate into the streets and alleys in Shanghai dialect.

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Author: Zhanyue Zhou Chen

Edit: Liu Liyuan

Editor in charge: Gu Yiqiong

*Wenhui exclusive manuscript, please indicate the source for reprinting.

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