Political schools and enterprises!Qiqihar reached 25 cooperation intentions

Author:Heilongjiang Daily Time:2022.06.19

In order to promote the high -quality scientific and technological achievements of Heilongjiang Provincial College Institute in Qiqihar, help Qiqihar's industrial chain supply chain upgraded by Qiqihar City. Recently, the Heilongjiang Provincial Department of Science and Technology, Qiqihar Science and Technology Bureau, Qiqihar High -tech Industrial Development Zone The Management Committee and Heilongjiang Provincial Science and Technology Achievement Transformation Center jointly invited experts from Harbin University of Technology, Harbin University of Engineering, and Harbin Institute of Technology to hold a docking meeting in the industrial achievements in High -tech Zhigu, Qiqihar High -tech Zone. College experts and Qi City reached 25 cooperation intentions in key enterprises in advanced manufacturing and automation, electronic information and other fields.

Interpretation of scientific and technological innovation policies

At the meeting, the relevant person in charge of the Provincial Department of Science and Technology and the Provincial Institute of Industrial and Technology interpreted and promoted scientific and technological innovation policies, Heilongjiang's scientific and technological achievements library and key results. After the meeting, the three universities also faced the interchanges of the participating companies in the form of special promotion, which promoted 25 intentions of scientific and technological achievements to promote accurate docking of school -enterprise cooperation.

Qiqihar City will use the advantages of college talents, intelligence resources, and R & D resources to organically combine Qiqihar's industrial resources to find the focus of cooperation and breakthroughs to promote more scientific and technological achievements to real productivity and promote regional economic development.

Source: Lottery News

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