The frequent rainfall in the north will increase the high temperature next week to the next week's high temperature gradually fades back

Author:Xinhuanet Time:2022.08.28

In the next few days, my country will maintain frequent rainfall weather. Among them, today (August 28), heavy rainfall mainly appeared in the eastern and southern parts of North China. Starting tomorrow, the rainfall in Huanghuai, Jianghan, and Jianghuai increased. In the common impact of cold air and rainfall, the high temperature in the south will gradually fade next week, and the coolness in the north will increase.

The duration of the northern this round of rainfall durates the cumulative rainfall of the rain.

Yesterday, a new round of precipitation was started in the northern region. Monitoring shows that heavy rain or heavy rain appeared in parts of the eastern part of Gansu, central Shaanxi, and southwestern Shanxi.

Under the frequent convergence of the warm and cold air on the north side of the subtropical high pressure, my country's rainfall will still be frequent in the next few days. Today, the "main position" of rainfall in the east and southern North China of Northwest China, and the rainfall in Huanghuai, Jianghan, and Jianghuai mainly appeared on the night of the 28th to 30th.

The Central Meteorological Observatory predicts that today, the west and northern parts of the Sichuan Basin, southeast Gansu, central Shaanxi and southwest, south of Shanxi, northern Henan and southeast, and central Hubei, northern Anhui, eastern Fujian, southeast of Tibet, there are heavy rain. Or heavy rain, among them, there are heavy rainstorms in the northwest of Sichuan Basin and southwestern Shaanxi (100-160 mm).

Tomorrow, southeast of Tibet, southern Qinghai and east, Sichuan, central and northern Chongqing, central and southern Shaanxi, central and southern Henan, southern Shandong, western and eastern Hubei, central Anhui There are heavy rain or heavy rain (100-170 mm) in south of Shaanxi, central Henan, western Hubei, northern Sichuan Basin, northern Chongqing and other areas.

The day after tomorrow, eastern Tibet, western Sichuan and northeast, central and eastern Chongqing, southwestern Guizhou and northeast, southern Shaanxi, southern Henan, northern Anhui, central Jiangsu, northern Zhejiang, central Jiangxi, eastern Guangxi, western Guangdong and other places There are heavy rain in some areas. Among them, there are heavy rains (50-80 mm) in parts of the south of Shaanxi, northeast of Sichuan Basin.

Meteorological experts remind that this round of precipitation has a long duration and a large amount of rainfall. The southern Shaanxi, Gansu, Sichuan, Chongqing and other places must prevent the conversion of drought and flood, and the urban and rural waterlogging and continuous rainfall may cause water flooding and continuous rainfall. Mountain floods, geological disasters, etc., it is recommended that the public try to avoid going to mountainous areas, gap valleys and other attractions. In addition, the West China region will enter a multi -rain period. It is expected that the cumulative rainfall in the next ten days will change from significantly in the early stage to more than 40 % of the same period than the same period of the year, which will help alleviate local meteorological drought.

The high temperature in the south has gradually faded up and most autumn in the northeast is earlier than the same period of the same year.

In terms of temperature, high temperatures in Sichuan Basin, Jiangnan, South China and other places will continue, but with the cold air south next week, rainfall will increase, and high temperature will also subscribe. It is expected that next Monday, the Sichuan Basin will be the first to cool down under the joint influence of cold air and rainfall. On August 31, the high temperature in Jiangnan is also expected to end. By September 1, South China high temperature will also basically subscribe.

At the same time as the active cold air ending the high temperature in the south, it will also make the northern autumn even stronger. Although the temperature in the north in the next week has fluctuated, most of the time is at a low level, the maximum temperature is mostly less than 30 ° C, and the lowest temperature is only up to 15 ° C. Especially the temperature in the east, North China, and Huanghuai area in the northwest region of Northwest China will be reduced to the near future. The low point, such as Shijiazhuang, the highest temperature today is only 20 ° C.

At present, most of the northeast and northwestern regions have entered autumn, among which most autumn time in the northeast is earlier than usual. For example, Shenyang's autumn on August 19 this year, 13 days earlier than September 1st, Harbin and Changchun have been early 9 days and 4 days earlier than usual autumn. In North China and other places, although the autumn in the sense of qi has not yet officially arrived, the coolness of the morning and evening is gradually becoming, and the footsteps of autumn are getting closer.

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