In the hurry to find two people!On August 25, I went to Leshan with a new crown, and quickly went to the community to report

Author:Red Star News Time:2022.08.28

At 20:32 pm on August 28, the official WeChat public account of the Propaganda Department of Edian County Party Committee of Leshan City, Sichuan Province released the news that the county's CDC received a close contact with a case of a case of a Chengdu Longquanyi District in the Eibrian trajectory The letter, the dense control has been implemented in Eibian.

The trajectory of the activity in Eibian County is: August 25th 20: 10-20: 20 The nucleic acid detection point sampling of the E-Bian County People's Hospital, 19: 32-19: 42 E-Biann People's Hospital nucleic acid detection point sampling Essence

The Edian County Disease Control Center specially reminded that the secret connection was on August 25 at 15:20, and took the Chuan AK1Y03 car from Longquanyi. At that time, there were 4 drivers with a driver. : Get off at Su Ji Town around 20, and get off at the Leshan Meike Meijia Hotel at about 18:30. After the above two people see the news, immediately do personal protection to the community report.

The center reminds that citizens with overlapping activities with the above -mentioned close contact with the above -mentioned close contact, and go to the nearest nucleic acid detection point (hospital), do two nucleic acid detection (24 hours interval) within 3 days. , Strictly implement the prevention and control measures of the epidemic as required.

Red Star News reporter Gu Aigang

Responsible editor Deng Yiguang Editor Xiao Ziqi

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