Fuyun: There are courier points in villages and villages. Agricultural products are not worried about exported

Author:Tianshan.com Time:2022.08.29

Reporter Zhang Ting Correspondent Hu Jinliang

"Everyone can see our production environment through glass windows, very clean and tidy, every product packaging specification. Whether it is milk, yogurt or milk slices, the production materials are fresh milk purchased from herders' homes ... Remarks the address and contact information. Every day at 4 pm, the courier will come here to pick up the goods on time ... "On August 27th, the person in charge of the Cocoat Food Processing Workshop in Cocoito Town, Fuyun County, Fuyun County Through the live broadcast of Nurjiang Molakik, online sales have become an important marketing model for her recently.

At the courier service point of Koco Town, Fuyun County, the staff counted the villagers to send goods on behalf of the goods. Photographed by Zhou Houwei

Nur River is a native of the Cocoito. She has a dream since she was in college -to open a local special -featured dairy workshop. "After graduating, I was pondering, and I started planning until 2019. With the inspiration of the song" The Shepherd in the Cocoa ", I instantly felt that the new opportunity came, so I quickly registered the" Police · Coco "brand and established it. Cerection cocoa food processing workshop, "Nurjiang said.

The small workshop in Nur River can now produce more than 300 kilograms of milk products such as milk, yogurt, and other dairy products. In the past, in addition to local residents, it was mainly sold to tourists from all over the sea to the sea. One of the well -known tourism specialty products.

Affected by the epidemic during this time, there were often back guests looking for her to consult how to buy products on the Internet, so Nurjiang adjusted sales ideas in time and launched live online sales models for live broadcast and simultaneous sales of e -commerce platforms.

"In the process of doing online sales, in addition to the products that can be sold on the same day, it is more important to accept reservations. In this way Big guarantee. "Nurjiang said that the reason why he thought of online sales was the dividend of" express delivery into the village ", which made her no longer worry about express delivery.

"Faced with the current epidemic situation, in order to do a good job of the delivery of agricultural products in Fuyun County, the County Post Administration actively arranges and improves courier companies such as local postal, SF, and JD.com. One -dragon delivery service helps agricultural products to sell outside. At present, courier service points have been set up in 86 villages (communities) in the county to provide agricultural product delivery services for merchants. "Liu Jun, manager of Fuyun County Branch of China Post Group Co., Ltd., said.

In the past few days, the Fuyun County Government launched the relevant departments (units), township (towns) cadres, and cadres stationed in the village to actively guide agricultural product production enterprises, workshops, cooperatives and other sales models. Help solve the problem of agricultural products.

It is understood that Fuyun County's epidemic prevention and control command requires relevant agricultural product manufacturers, workshops, and cooperatives while ensuring the quality of agricultural products, and do a good job of preventing and disinfecting agricultural products. At the same time, in order to ensure the smooth flow of agricultural product transportation channels during the prevention and control of the epidemic, the headquarters sent special forces to master circulation information in time to ensure the service guarantee of seamlessly connected and delivery.

"We will continue to strengthen market supervision, urge manufacturers, workshops, cooperatives, etc. to operate in accordance with the law, further improve the coverage and service quality of express delivery villages, consolidate and improve the effectiveness of express delivery into the village, and ensure that express delivery can go down to the village, stabilize, but can Continue, "Liu Jun said.

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