Shouzheng innovation and deep integration

Author:Hunan Daily Time:2022.08.29

Hunan Daily All -Media commentator Shen Deliang

In the Chongqing mountain fire reporting report that lasted nearly ten days, the mainstream media of the Yutchuan land presented this "epic mountain fire" operation in all aspects of the mainstream media of the Yutchi land. The heroes of the road are the strong cohesion of the first and the wisdom of the city, and the three -dimensional interpretation of countless ordinary people who face the hero's hero when they face the disaster.

In another day, the eyes of the national media community will focus on Changsha again, and pay attention to the 2022 National New Media Conference as about approaching. The most authoritative, iconic and professional annual event in the Chinese new media field is based on the "new mainstream and new journey". It is also a pre -war mobilization of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

During the two -day period, seven theme activities were the aftermath of the mainstream media for the new journey of integration and development. Whether it is the macro outlook of "building the mainstream media public opinion highland", "shaping the image of credible and respectful and respectful Chinese image", or the professional discussion of "social responsibility and new media power", "science and technology empowerment, and the media to the future" The big coffee talks about Changsha, focusing on the development of media integration, new media innovation practice, and top -up topics of the Internet.

"Blending and integrating into one" is the "poem and distant place" of the media fusion. From the "addition" to the distance between "Xiang Rong", it is by no means a light and light and light. In the era of the whole media, media information dissemination methods, dissemination patterns, and concepts of communication have undergone tremendous changes. Continuously adapt to the characteristics and differentiation of netizens, promote the innovation of concepts, content, forms, methods, and means, and continuously improve the public opinion guidance of mainstream media in order to better enhance the attention of mainstream media and meet the psychological needs of the audience. This may be the meaning of "new mainstream and new journey".

"Promote the main force into the main battlefield, and bring more high -quality content, advanced technology, professional talents, project funds to the main position of the Internet." Over the years, the media Xiang Army, which has been the first media in the world, has continued to explore the road of media integration in the reform in the reform. In depth, the integration and development of traditional media and new media, the continuous expansion of the new media platforms, the continuous superposition of the all -media matrix, and the more three -dimensional communication system. With the innovation of institutional mechanisms, the influence of new media has been continuously improved, and a series of phenomenal communication effects have been formed, which shows the social responsibility and responsibility of mainstream media. Hunan has made its own characteristics in the integration of media and the development of new media, and has run out of "Hunan speed" in the new media industry. From this perspective, the National New Media Conference and settled in Hunan are also the first and respect for the media Xiang Army.

Those who are clever, the good federation is far away. Efforts to "innovate" in "keeping Zhengzheng", adhere to "innovation" in "innovation", accelerate the deep integration of mainstream media, win the development advantage with content advantages, win the development space with channel advantages, win the development momentum with technological advantages, let the development momentum, let the development momentum, allow The "maximum variable" of the Internet becomes the "maximum increase" of the development of the party's journalism. Responsibility for the era.

[Responsible editor: Lu Wei intern: Yang Shuwen]

[Source: Hunan Daily]

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