Strictly fight sexually assaulting minors illegal crimes?Hengyang City People's Congress again

Author:Hengyang News website in China Time:2022.08.29

Hengyang News Network reporter Shao Junjie reported on August 25, the Standing Committee of the 16th National People's Congress of Hengyang City held the 6th Director Meeting to listen to the Municipal People's Congress Supervision and Judicial Committee on the "Report on the Crime Crime Crime Crime Situation". This is the first time in the history of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress.

In recent years, the city has achieved positive results in cracking down and preventing sexual assault on minors. The party committees and governments at all levels in the city attach great importance to the protection of minors. With the opportunity of the "protective" operation led by the Municipal Supervision Commission in 2021, it has formed a combination of sexual assault on minors. Cases in accordance with the law and severely crack down on crimes.

From the perspective of the number of cases, prosecution, and trials this year, the city continues to keep strict momentum. The joint review is paid to improve the quality of the strike. On the one hand, establish a linkage mechanism to improve strike efficiency. The Municipal People's Procuratorate and the Municipal Public Security Bureau jointly issued documents to clarify the unified registered cases, comprehensively involved in advance, and quickly handling the work standards for the case.

Carry out special rectification to effectively prevent crimes. Public security organs regularly carry out centralized inspection operations, urge the owners to implement the protection system of minors, and maximize the criminal space for minors involving yellow, gambling, and poison.

The investigation report of the Municipal People's Congress Supervision and Judiciary Commission also disclosed the main problems in the work.

The meeting emphasized that it is true to protect education. All units should form a joint force, jointly formulate propaganda plans, and use various forms to carry out targeted publicity and education to enhance the awareness and self -protection ability of minors. Strengthen the punishment of illegal and illegal punishment, purify the network environment, and regularly organize forces to conduct inspections and rectification operations to build "firewalls" for key places such as KTV, hotels, and Internet cafes.

The meeting pointed out that it was strictly deterred. Procuratorial organs should give full play to the supervision function of the arrest and complaints, and increase the pursuit of prosecution. The trial agency shall properly apply the law to increase the trial and quality evaluation of cases. It is necessary to increase the construction of a professional team in the case, and establish and improve the victim's inquiry team.

The meeting requested to care about protection. The judicial organs should be effectively connected to ensure that the investigation is seamlessly connected, and the entire chain guarantees the legitimate rights and interests of minors. Accelerate the establishment of a fast and convenient judicial rescue system, and implement the work mechanisms such as family visibility, court education, and psychological guidance. Incorporate sexual assault victims into the scope of legal aid, support the victim's criminal compensation request for criminal compensation in accordance with the law. To care about left -behind children who have not been guarded and guardians, the village (community) should establish such minor archives to urge the guardians to guard and manage; to establish a mechanism for psychological counseling of minor victims and long -term care help.

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