Latin American media look forward to "BRICS+" cooperation: it will become a world economic recovery leverage

Author:Overseas network Time:2022.06.19

BRICS flag (data map)

Overseas Network, June 17th. The fourteenth meeting of leaders of the BRICS countries will be held at the end of June. Argentina, Brazil and other Latin American media have expanded and deepened the "BRICS+" cooperation on the BRICS countries, and insisted on multilateralism with high expectations. They believed that the economic and trade cooperation of the BRICS countries would become a leverage for the world economic recovery.

The independent news website "Dialogue China", which is concerned about China and Latin America issues, stated on the 15th that the global governance system is currently presenting a fragmented state. In developed countries, there are high prices and financial crises. Development and growth, Argentina hopes to join it. At the end of June, Argentina will be invited to attend the 14th meeting of the BRICS leaders.

Papuzhong News Agency published the editorial on the 14th. Evantero Carvato, a Professor of Law of the Brazilian Vagas Foundation, stated in the text that under the international context of high inflation and supply chain, the economic and trade cooperation initiative of the BRICS countries can become the world Economic recovery leverage. He believes that the BRICS countries are facing the huge challenge of the new crown epidemic, trade war, and cold war thinking. Under the current international order, the BRICS countries have assumed the role of reformers and pointed out a path of mutually beneficial multilateralist cooperation development to the world. , Its member states are full of expectations for the multi -pole world order.

Brazil's "Forum" magazine issued on the 13th that the turbulence of global financial order is increasing, and the economic sanctions on the West on Russia showed that the currency and financial sector was highly political. In this context, reducing dependence on the US dollar is increasingly important, and economic cooperation in the BRICS countries should be expanded in the currency and financial sector.

Ecuadorladin America News Agency (ALAI) 8th issued on the 8th that multilateralism advocated by the BRICS countries is based on new international relations of mutual respect, fairness, justice, and win -win cooperation, not war or intervention. It is hoped that multilateral initiatives will play a key role in supporting Latin American countries to move towards independence, peace, and multilateralism. (Overseas Network Wang Xiaoyu)

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