Baoji Fengxiang: "Double Reporting" in the medical insurance cadre community transformed into a "big white" woven "prevention and control network"

Author:Western Decision Network Time:2022.08.29

Western Decision Network (Reporter Amy Zongxian Correspondent Jing Disheng) In order to fully help the creation and epidemic prevention and control of civilized cities in the region. Recently, the medical security system of Fengxiang District, Baoji City moved and responded positively. Party members and cadres have in -depth grasping the residential communities to participate in the community's "dual reporting" creation volunteer service, and in accordance with the epidemic prevention and control situation, transformed into "big white", cooperate with the task of testing all the nucleic acid testing, and weave the epidemic prevention and control network.

Smelling, the medical insurance forces are bravely moved forward. After receiving the notice of recruiting volunteers for the establishment of civilized cities and the prevention and control of outbreaks, the party group of Fengxiang District Medical Insurance Bureau initiated the party members and cadres to call for party members and cadres to "light up their identities, make an example, and be a pioneer." "I participate", "I want to sign up", "I go" ... The majority of party members and cadres in the medical insurance system moved, listening to the order, standing out, rushing in front, making an example, actively participating in the creation and epidemic defense of national civilized cities Control the front line.

Sinking the line, the volunteer service shows the right. Strictly implement the "dual registration" system of the party member community, and the party members and cadres of the whole system actively sink the Cuolin Community, Zhengji's community, and Fengquan Garden, including five residential communities and 2 streets, and the image of practice, and the image of the tree. Some of them put on "medical insurance yellow vests", transformed into "environmental governors" to clean up the accumulation and small advertisements of the caught residential communities, eliminate random paintings in the corridor, and paint the walls. Pruning, cleaning the garbage in the green belt; some wearing "traffic blue vests" transformed into "traffic guidancers" and actively maintained traffic order. 2. Check the information and maintain the order on the scene in each package.

Persevere in the post, and the work is "two mistakes". The creation of civilized cities in the country and the prevention and control of the epidemic is the main battlefield, and medical security services are the main position. In addition to the pioneer players who adhere to the front line of Chuangwen and resistance, there are also busy figures of medical insurance party members and cadres at the front line of the key medical insurance work and the daily business of medical insurance. Some of them are competing for projects, running investment, and improving medical insurance capabilities; some take thousands of households, visit 10,000 households, and establish the image of medical insurance; some running points, grasp the "two diseases", improve service capabilities ... ensure the creation of civilized cities, epidemic defense, prevention of epidemic defense The daily work of control and medical insurance is "grasping two hands and exceeding".

In the next step, the medical insurance system in Fengxiang District, Baoji City will firmly establish a sense of overall awareness, responsibility, and service awareness. According to the creation of the work situation and the prevention and control requirements of the epidemic situation, scientifically allocate staff forces, and continue to deepen the community "dual registration" activities for the whole. The district civilized city creation and epidemic prevention and control work contributed medical insurance forces, and welcomed the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with excellent achievements.

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