Foshan South China Sea: On the morning and evening of the morning and evening working on July, the degree of congestion dropped to the "mild congestion" interval

Author:Yangcheng Evening News Yangche Time:2022.08.30

Text/Yangcheng Evening News all -media reporter Zhang Wen

Recently, in July 2022, a briefing of road traffic operation status analysis of Nanhai District, Foshan City was released. Data show that in July 2022, the traffic operation of the South China Sea was smooth and smooth. On the morning and evening, the average traffic operation index of peaks in the morning and evening was 5.02, a decrease of 15.2%month -on -month, and the road operation was better.

Judging from the operation of the entire district, in July 2022, the traffic operation of the South China Sea District was smooth and smooth. On the morning and evening, the average traffic operation index of peaks in the morning and evening was 5.02, a decrease of 15.2%month -on -month, and the road operation was better. Among them, the early peak operation index was 4.45, a decrease of 14.3%month -on -month. It was at a low value of "mild congestion". The evening peak operation index was 5.58, a decrease of 16.1%month -on -month. Compared with last month, it dropped to the "mild congestion" range.

Among them, on July 2022, the average speed of the South China Sea District was 33.3km/h, an increase of 1.8%month -on -month. The average speed of the peak period rose slightly. The average speed of the morning peak this month is 34.8km/h, and the average speed of the evening peak is 31.8km/h.

In terms of road congestion, the report analyzes the top ten congestion roads in the South China Sea District. The congestion index is Jihua East Road (east to west) from high to low, construction avenue (east to west), construction avenue (west to east), Guang Guang), Guang Guang), Guang Guang) Fo Road (Jiangxia Interchange-Guangfo Jiangzhu Expressway West to East), Fiping Fourth Road (west to east), north (west to east), North Village Highway (north to south), Guangfo Road (Songgang Avenue - Ya Yao stands to the west to the east), Jiangpuxi Road (east to the west), and Hai Beizhou (north to south). Among them, on the evening of July, Jihua East Road, with the highest congestion index, running the west to the west to the west is only 10.3km/h, and the road congestion index reached 10.0.

In terms of regular bus operation, in July 2022, the number of bus passenger traffic in the South China Sea was 278,000 per day. Among them, the average daily passenger volume of the red bus line (buses in the area) is 164,000, and the average daily passenger volume of yellow and green buses (cross -regional bus) is 86,000. The average passenger traffic reached 12,451, which was much higher than other lines in the South China Sea. In addition, in July, the top three bus stations in the daily average daily number of Nanhai District were Metro Pufenggang Bus Station, Foshan West Station Bus Station, and Xintiandi Plaza Bus Station.

In the promotion of the "Unblocked Project" in the South China Sea District, in order to fully solve the problem of the people's reflection of strong urban traffic congestion, as of July 31, the transportation department of the South China Sea District continued to promote the management of traffic congestion points and opened up the "broken road" and other tasks. , And get staged progress. Among them, in 2022, the total task of governance in the South China Sea District was 25, and 8 have been completed, with a total completion rate of 32%. On the basis of promoting the implementation of the above 25 blocks, the traffic department of the South China Sea District also cooperated with the traffic police, towns and streets and other relevant units to carry out 8 comprehensive transportation projects around the Linghu Middle School area, Vanke Jinyu Central, Songtang Village and other areas. Through the intersection, optimization of bus operation services, and improvement system improvement and improvement, comprehensive management of transportation is performed to continue to improve the traffic operation environment of the South China Sea.

In 2022, Nanhai District plans to complete the four "broken roads" opening project. At present, 3 items have been opened: Jade South Street (Wu Dou Road-Dayi West Road) was completed and opened to traffic, and the level of production and city integration was significantly improved; The Fojiangzhu Expressway Tunnel Project has been successfully connected to promote the interoperability of the Shuangcheng City of Guangfo; the municipal project from Huacheng Road (Yihai Road to Jihua East Road) has completed the main bridge; 90%of the tunnel project on the South Road (Jihua Lab) is completed.

On the construction of bicycles and electric bicycles, the construction of the South China Sea District was 240 kilometers in 2022. As of July 25, a total of 39 projects have been completed in the region with a mileage of 109 kilometers.

Source | Yangcheng Evening News · Yangcheng School

Responsible editor | Feng Xiaojing

School pair | Zhou Yong

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