Weaving the "Telecom Fraud Network", creating a new situation of "No Fraud in the World"

Author:Hubei Window Time:2022.08.30

On the 26th, a spokesman for the Spokesperson of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of the National People's Congress learned that the three review drafts of the anti -telecommunications network fraud law of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of the National People's Congress stipulated that the three draft draft draft draft draft drafts of the National People's Congress stipulated that the persons who engaged in telecommunications network fraud and related crimes were stipulated. Credit records can be recorded in accordance with relevant national regulations and corresponding punishment measures. (Source: Xinhua News Agency)

At present, the telecommunications network fraud criminal activities have developed into the highest case, the largest losses, and the strongest reflection of the crime. In 2021, there were 441,000 cases of telecommunications network fraud in the country, and 690,000 suspects were arrested. Telecom online fraud criminal activities are still extremely rampant, which is still extremely rampant, which has made the public be invincible and harmed, seriously threatening social integrity and social order. Crime crimes and associated crimes engaged in telecommunications network fraud may be recorded in the credit record, which is conducive to creating a social situation with no "fraud" in the world.

How the telecommunications network fraud criminal activity is endless, on the one hand, it comes from the current criminal law and criminal procedural law. It is relatively lacking.

How to weave a good situation of "anti -fraud network" in society and create a good situation of "no fraud in the world"?

On the one hand, we must increase the punishment of telecommunications network fraud crimes and create a "dare not scam" social atmosphere. The three drafts of the anti -telecommunications network fraud law have fully absorbed public opinions and increased the punishment of illegal criminals of telecommunications network fraud. Further increase the administrative penalties that do not constitute the criminals; to further clarify that telecommunications network fraud, in addition to being criminal responsibility and administrative responsibility in accordance with the law, cause damage to others, and should also bear civil liability in accordance with the law. Further improving penalties, the illegal cost of electrical fraud is getting higher and higher, which has caused great deterrent to telecommunications network fraud criminals.

On the other hand, increase publicity and education, enhance the awareness of anti -fraud, and enhance the ability to prevent fraud. Compared with traditional crimes, the cost of telecommunications network fraud is low, confusing, and fast spread. Frauds are mostly trained, they are familiar with speaking skills and cheated psychology, and even customize the fraud "script" for the deceived group. The masses will fall into a trap without paying attention. To prevent telecommunications network fraud, relevant functional departments need to increase publicity and governance, and also require the active participation of the public. Therefore, the three draft drafts also adds regulations to strengthen the publicity and education of the elderly, adolescents and other groups, and enhance the targeted and accuracy of propaganda education; requiring enterprises of relevant industries to remind users in time to the newly emerged telecommunications network fraud. The public reports the reward system for telecommunications network fraud.

Relevant departments should let the people understand various types of anti -fraud knowledge and improve their ability to prevent fraud through various channels. They are familiar with the new characteristics of telecommunications network fraud and new routines used by scammers to master fraud skills. With the help of early warning anti -fraud methods such as the National Anti -Fraud Center APP and the discouragement line phone calls, they are vigilant on strange telephone and unknown personnel, and do not trust or transfer. In the case of suspicious situations, ask the relevant departments for help as soon as possible, and learn to use legal weapons to protect their legitimate rights and interests, and contribute to creating a strong atmosphere of anti -fraud and anti -fraud in the whole society. (Chen Wenhua)

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