Small grid supports the big people's livelihood

Author:Ji Group Pioneer Time:2022.08.30

Houkou Town

Grid refers to the grid social service management model (dividing the urban management area into a unit grid in accordance with certain standards). The grid staff is a new community (village) worker in recent years. It is the basic force to undertake specific tasks in community grid management and serve the masses. It is required to directly face the masses, contact the masses, understand the people's conditions, convey the people's conditions, resolve the people's trapped, and maintain contact with the masses, help the government to complete the management and services of the community, minimize contradictions, and promote social harmony. To do this work, grid staff must have awareness of serving the masses and the basic skills of serving the masses. This paragraph determines the ordinary and extraordinary work of the post of grid staff.

In the grass -roots governance work, grid staff will play an important role. Grid management is first of all information management systems to discover grass -roots problems, analyze the source of problems, and ensure the transfer of information flow into the initial point of operation. Through the grid pipeline, the dynamics that occurred at the grassroots level were quickly uploaded, collected, judged, and classified, so as to provide a basis for decision -making. Moving the governance mark to the grassroots level also effectively solves the problems of complex population liquidity, multiple requirements, and data collection at the grassroots level. The second is the actual combat command center. It is responsible for allocating or distributed the integrated epidemic prevention and control issues and management tasks to the subject of the responsibility of the performance. Relying on the comprehensive grid system, the management responsibilities will be extended to the "grid" step by step.

Grid officers can improve high -quality services. Grid members themselves can be the elderly and lonely nest of the community

Special groups such as the elderly, disabled, left -behind women and children provide intimate services. After the party members and grid staff are dual identities, the grid staff can keep in touch with the masses. He can have more people in his heart, and will be more deeper into the masses and the masses. Think of what the masses think, urgent the masses, and the needs of the masses. It will be more dare to face "hard bones", facing hotspots, pain points, and difficulty. Services for the masses will be better.

After having a grid staff, it can strengthen the construction of grass -roots party organizations and increase the work force of grass -roots party organizations. Can better keep in touch with the masses, understand the people's conditions, convey the people's conditions, resolve the people's conditions, and minimize contradictions, and promote harmony. It can also enhance the sense of gain, happiness, and security of the masses, enhance the relationship between political groups and groups, and maintain the party's flesh and blood in the people. It plays a significant role in grass -roots governance work.

The party members played a huge role. Grid officers, community workers, etc. actively invest in epidemic prevention and control, and build rural, communities, and streets into strict and safe "anti -epidemic fortress". Actively participated in the work of the epidemic joint prevention and control, many party members spontaneously joined the community grid management and took the initiative to serve the masses.

Grass -roots grid members can make the comrades who are familiar with village conditions to deal with specific issues, give full play to geographical advantages, and improve work quality. Most grid members live in the local area. They are particularly familiar with the local situation. They can also make a piece with the local people. Some problems can quickly understand the reasons, and they can deal with the problems so that most people are satisfied with Essence If the satisfaction of the masses has improved, the effectiveness of grass -roots governance will gradually show, and the general public will have a more satisfying sense of belonging.

On August 1, 2022, Shanxi Province printed the "Shanxi Grid Members Administrative Measures", which specifically clarified the duties of the grid staff, making the grid staff's responsibilities more clear, the grid staff is more clear, grid staff management The method is more standardized and the funding of grid staff has a basis. The more powerful supporting grid players play a greater role in the grassroots work, provide a stronger guarantee for the grid staff, and better promote rural revitalization.

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