A photographer who did not develop an attraction in Ganzi, Sichuan, took a picture of the cattle in the garbage dump and called on tourists to "camping without trace"

Author:Cover news Time:2022.08.30

Moon Lake (Tuyuan Network)

Cover reporter Song Xiao Yang Tao

At the beginning of August this year, a photographer accidentally took such a scene when playing the moon lake in Kangding City, Ganzi Prefecture, Sichuan Province: Beying on the lake in the landscape, several cows were looking for food in the garbage dump. Many tourists are camping here. He wondered, where did these garbage come from? Is anyone cleaning up?

On August 30, the cover reporter contacted the photographer Peng (a pseudonym). From his mouth, the reporter learned that the purpose of his shooting was actually to record the beauty of the moon lake. When he found the garbage on the ground, he sent this video to a WeChat chat group. Campers can consciously take away garbage and practice "no trace camping."

The cattle group taken by the photographer foraged in the garbage dump

The reporter's investigation found that Moon Lake is an unsolvable attraction in Kangding Pushada Township, and a number of large iron trash cans are placed around them to pile up the garbage of tourists. In this regard, a staff member of the Lianhua Lake Village Committee of Pu Shard Township also told reporters that when tourists usually enter the moon lake camping or play, they will charge 25 yuan/person's garbage cleaning fee, and villagers will clean up the garbage every day.

"Camping garbage" was found without developing attractions

The photographer calls for timely cleaning and taking away

It is understood that in recent periods of social platforms, some people share information about the moon camping. With the rise of "camping fever", more and more tourists to the moon camping have become more and more.

Taking a post on a platform as an example, the poster said that the Moon Lake is located in the Sandy Western Village, Cuming City, with an altitude of about 3200 meters. You can choose to live in the village, or you can take a tent to camping yourself.

The sharing of the Moon Lake on the network platform

On August 8th, Peng Mou, a photography enthusiast who played in the Moon Lake, was camped by many tourists in the attractions with drones. Put there. "In order to record such a scene, he also flew back and forth with a drone.

When he came here again on August 9, he found that the original tent was gone, but a lot of garbage left on the ground. "A few cows are looking for food in the garbage dump. I don’t know who left it. ","

The reporter saw that the shooting time for ten seconds was marked on August 8. The video shooting is located on the beautiful moon lake, with many colorful tents. Visitors are playing and picnic by the lake. In a video on August 9th, there are three -headed cows looking for food in the garbage dumps on the grass, among which plastic bags and fast -food boxes are scattered.

Peng Mou said that the moon lake sometimes prohibits camping, and people in the local village will be responsible for collecting a certain "ticket" fee (garbage cleaning fee), which ranges from 20-30 yuan. When most tourists enter the attractions, they will pay attention to protecting the environment, but some tourists may be unconscious. They think that since they have paid garbage cleaning fees, they can leave the garbage in place. I still hope that I can take it away and pack it. "

Local village committee response:

Recently, there will be a special person in the number of tourists to clean up the garbage

On the morning of August 30th, a staff member of the Cover of the Lianhua Lake Village Committee of Putison Township told the cover journalist that the Cover was that in recent months, especially since May, the moon lake has indeed ushered in many tourists, " Although the Moon Lake is a natural attraction, the main health cleanup work is still responsible for the local village committee. "

The staff member said that when tourists are camping or played by the Moon Lake, they will charge 25 yuan per person to clear the shipping cost. Many green trash cans have been placed around the moon lake to make it easy for tourists to throw garbage, but because animals such as cattle and horses will meet with animals such as cattle and horses. Destruction, we put a few iron trash bins instead. "Recently, we moved the trash can, but every day, some people are still responsible for clearing the garbage."

The staff told reporters that they welcomed the arrival of tourists. Generally, tourists who entered the Moon Lake would also remind them to take away the garbage when they left.

Some netizens on a platform recommend Moon Lake

There are environmental protection and safety hazards behind "camping heat":

It takes time and process to popularize the popularity of camping

The reporter sorted out and found that as the camping gradually became hot, hidden dangers such as the ecological environment, hygiene, and fire protection were increasingly revealed.

Earlier, in June this year, it was revealed on the Internet that some tourists lost their garbage and destroy the environment after three nights of camping in Gunu Village, Kangding City, Ganzi Prefecture. And the whole process comes with garbage bags and trash cans for packaging.

In August of this year, a reporter also found that in Chengdu Qinglong Lake Park, most citizens and tourists will take away the garbage generated by camping, but a small number of them ignore the garbage generated by the emergence, clean up the sky curtain and camping equipment. As soon as it grows, it has caused a lot of dirt after the camping: you can see ice cream sticks, wool beans, cigarettes, plastic bags, and paper pieces on the ground.

On August 30, a professionals with many years of field camping experience told the cover journalist that people camping now is basically a camping in the city of the city, or the beach camping on the suburbs, light luxury theme camping, and some even even On the green space downstairs. Compared to the "wild survival" camping that emphasized equipment and survivability in the past, it is now very convenient. "Some niche camping areas have begun to become hot due to the advantages of short drives and close distances. Many tourists have been there in the past few months. "The professionals said that camping gradually became a boom, but under the popularity, the chaos began to emerge. Some camping picnic tourists may leave messy phenomena after leaving, garbage throwing, environmental destruction, waste pollution, and trample on the lawn.

Therefore, he also called on everyone to improve his own quality while being keen on camping, and to practice "no trace camping". After appreciation, please take away the garbage around him and be clean. At the same time, the development of the camping economy to develop the camping economy Related supporting facilities also need to be improved, improve supporting facilities including hygiene and transportation, and avoid problems and hidden dangers accompanied by "wild camping" through standardized fees and providing complete processes.

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